I am using FWE... it probably changes limb damage...
Edit: FWE has GMST fCombatPlayerLimbDamageMult set to 0.66
Is this also why torso/limbs can get crippled, or does this not "heal" crippling?
It looks like there's definitely *something* wrong with the scripts or the functions they're calling, I've done some testing (stood in front of the Capital Building for five minutes) and occasionally it'd heal for more than you'd taken. It was very rare though, and five minutes of constant super mutant minigunning was only enough to give a slight increase, certainly not to heal you up from 25% to full, so something /really/ weird is going on.
This was pretty odd, as I was logging health difference between frames damage and calculated damage from armour wear. It'd show difference = calc damage, then very rarely one hit would show health difference was positive- suggesting the last hit had not only healed for more than was taken (even though it was calculated to be the same) it healed for more than twice the amount, enough for the next hit to be taken and then the health change to /still/ be positive. Pretty odd. I've put in some more verbose debug messages and I'm going to try again.
Edit: Further testing results:
1. It's not related to criticals (logging crits shows no change, also that NPC crits are suprisingly rare)
2. It's not related to the number of hits in the same frame (logging whether head/body/both hit shows no correlation with it)
3. It is linked to damage taken- the amount of overheal is proportional to the size of the last hit. Not directly, though, but it tends to be by ~1 hit's worth?
4. Argh wtf
The limb damage %ages I was referring to were the ones on the BodyPartData- the head takes 2x damage by default for example, and I cover for this in the script. That said the increased damage is reflected on the armour damage, so... perhaps fCombatPlayerLimbDamage is causing it? On the other hand, it's 0.5 by default, and it seems to be working fine...
I've noticed you get crippled faster than you ought to in some locations, but I think that's down to the nature of hit location checking- if you're hit in two locations in the same frame, it only heals one, but by the damage two hit. No real way around it.
Resistance is different from Reduction. Although, in Fallout, 85 armor means you take 15% of the total damage. Correct?
Basically, your Armour Rating is modified by your armour condition to give you a Damage Resistance %age (like Fire Resistance), where X% of Damage is Resisted. Reduction is flat.