If my female character gets a Charisma implant and her briasts don't get bigger, I will take Obsidian to court for fraud.
my roommate needs to see this, she's all for charisma in D&D games applying to a characters looks only and loves to boast of her big briasts (in both real life and D&D...) she'd love this comment
The stat clearly states for Fallout that its both looks and charm combined.... but its completely reasonable to be dead drop beautiful, and only have a slightly above average personallity.. this stat is weird like that
...this is why i liked Arcanum so much, that game actually seperated the two. lol ...
but back on topic, i hope theres more implant options than that.
i remember the dermal implants, and phoenix implants other fallouts had (which, actually hurt your looks and hit charisma)
some cybernetic options with actual visuals would also be nice