Basically the Maps are small. At least the ones I played on.
The game play is fast placed and repetitive. A true Wash-And-Repeat game. Tactics seem to be non existent on the servers I played on. It was pretty much a free for all. If I could find better servers with more organized players that would be good. But just getting into a server is a task in itself at the moment. Surely something that they will fix real soon.
The matches end to fast as well. Part of the Wash-And-Repeat stuff.
The Cloak, well it is practically the main thing used. Many people just Cloak in a corner and wait for you to walk. by. At least from what I was seeing. They only move when the energy runs out and are in danger of being spotted, so they take there chance to move out and reengage it for hiding in another corner. Remember this is just what I have seen so far, and if it annoys me now it will annoy me later on. So I had to mention it.
I can not comment on the Weapons yet, other than they seem good. I have not tried them all so I do not really have an objective view on them.
I wish I would have mapped the Melee to my mouse. I died a lot just trying to hit the darn thing. Thats my own fault though for not doing that.
You know if I play it enough I may learn to like the style of Game Play, but the thing with this style of FPS is that I get bored easy. The game looks great visually. It seems to play well functionally. The game sounds could use improvements, but that is not a game changer if it plays well. This type of game is for a particular crowed and will do well in its own right. Its a great game. I just do not seem to be feeling it.
I am pretty sure the die hard Crysis fans will not like this idea. But if you were to remove the Nano Suit and all its features, slow the player down just a very (very) small amount, and made the Maps a little bigger; the game would be perfect. OH and improve the sound effects of the weapons.
Anyways that is my first impressions of the Multi-player. I am sure they will change a bit as I play it more. If I play it more. If I continue to be bored with it as I progress more I may shelf it after betting the SP like I did with the first game.
I have to say it is still a great game. Many will like it.