Look at the Dunmer in Morrowind. They look pretty much exactly like that. They have sunken cheeks and dark red eyes and they look rugged. They're not vampires. I HIGHLY doubt anyone is going to find a vampire, get infected, sleep for three days, and have a screenshot taken after all within the 60 minutes they had to play the demo.
Again, that's just how Dunmer look.
Also, the vampires of Skyrim are far crazier than any vampires we've seen in the past games, so there's not even any guarantee we'll have the tradition style vampires in this one.
EDIT: Wow, no one else read the OP.
Obviously you did not read the entirety of my post or you would have read this "Now when I say this I'm not saying she literally is a vampire and vampires maybe confirmed." and not say this "That's the second or third time someone has accused an average Dunmer as being a vampire."