Good, I was starting to worry, that I'm only one who finds new inventory system strange
It is great to open for one or two or ten times, but how annoying it will be at 256985th time (because true TES fans are playing and moding these games for years)
detailed inventory look can be used as additional option (like when checking item description), but not as primary interface
still, best inventory from all TES games is in Morrowind
It wasn't without its flaws (like potion similarities), but it was better, than those horrible lists, for PC Skyrim version this style inventory would be best choice
[daydreaming] maybe even developers could add a choice in settings between small grid/large grid/small list/large list/detailed inventory versions :rolleyes:
Also during dialogues at least 7 lines should be visible (never again those console-ish 3 line menus, for FO3 and FO:NV, first mods I used was to increase dialogue menu capacity)
[daydreaming] this also could be changed in settings: large font (3 lines)/medium font (5 lines)/small font (7 lines)/very small font (9 lines)
[note to self: stop daydreaming!]
Anyway developers simply must think about how convenient interface will be on the long run (since they are making opened world RPG, people will play for years, assuming we survive 2012