Me too.
I love that. I mean, it won't be easy to kill baddest boss in the game. So reward can be good if I can succeed. Though, if the Boss is level scaled, it would be easy to kill. That doesn't happen though, since only hard content is scaled. You may found some level scaled quest item, that can happen. I'm not sure, a powerful weapon scaled to your level would be a good thing for you or not. If you really don't like getting a powerful item, level scaling can work for you. I actually want a powerful weapon to be a powerful weapon, regardless of my level.
That is not level scaling. Someone put glass armor in those bandits inventory leveled list, in Morrowind they only put basic armors. Not a glitch or side product of system, they wanted it to happen.
Please, don't use level scaling as in leveled lists. Two completely different things. Leveled lists were in Morrowind, long before Oblivion. Scaling added in Oblivion. Encounter zones are developed with Fallout 3 and will be used in Skyrim.
I dare you, find a quote with "Morrowind" and "level scaling" in the same sentence prior to Oblivion release.

Oblivion is a perfect example of what is level scaling. Its reputation is well deserved.