I'm back and I finished the I haven't done the animation, yet, because I wanted to hear your opinion first, as I won't be able to change anything after the animation is done without having to do it all over again. I have also uploaded the mesh, but it is not to be used ingame! I haven't tried to use it ingame so I don't know what would happen, but in any case it would not be animated. So if you download it, please only take a look at it in NifSkope and tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions for improvement before I am going to animate it!
Wow! That's the best one you've made so far. Can't think of anything that needs an improvement.
SInce nobody seems to have any suggestions to further improve the mesh, I am going to animate it. Right now I think I will probably release the mod after finishing the longbow, I don't think I will do the crossbow right now, if at all. The one from WH-Reaper's crossbows mod, while having a different design from the original, is really great and goes very well with the meshes I have done so far. So I think for now I will just put a link to the crossbows mod in the readme, and maybe some day in the future I will provide a new crossbow mesh which is more similar to the original, but that does not have a high priority at the moment.
So expect the animated longbow in the next days (might take a little longer because I also want to make a tutorial for bow animation along with it), and then the mod will be ready for release! Thank you all for providing feedback on the meshes, it helped me a lot to get them as good as possible.
The bow really does look great, Pherim. I have no suggestions for improvement.
Looking forward to the animation tutorial from you! Take your time.
The steel longbow is now animated and ready to be used in the game! Please test and report any issues.
Nice, downloading! Btw. I noticed you uploaded new version of short bow. What was changed if I may ask?
Just some small things in Nifskope that I noticed were different from the original, but I don't know if it makes any difference.
By the way I was thinking of including some alternate meshes in the mod, for example a dagger and longsword which look more similar to the short sword to get more consistency within this weapons category and for those who find the steel dagger mesh too extravagant for a common weapon like this. It should be easy to derive them from the short sword mesh.
Do you have any other suggestions like this?
I just had quick look at both bows in game and in NifScope and found no problems. The model improvement over vanilla is amazing and UV mapping is without a flaw, really superb job!
There is actually one steel dagger mesh similar to other weapons by KiteFlyer somewhere. You could use it either for inspiration or as base for yours if KiteFlyer is okay with it. To other suggestions, nothing comes to my mind right now, but I believe more variants is always nice, especially since one could use them for unique weapons that have standard mesh
Very well done, it is remarkable to see how much dedication modders and modelers still put into that game so many years after its launch. Thank you.
May the MGSO teams include your work in their ever-growing mod ?
Also, you mentioned WH-Reaper's crossbows mod earlier, but I had no luck finding it.
Once it is released properly, I would feel honored.
You can find it here:
Here are the alternative longsword and dagger (with the short sword in the middle for comparison):
The funny thing is, now that I see those three together, the short sword is the one I like the least, even though it is directly derived from the vanilla design. Maybe I should do some work on the crossguard again... also, while I really like the alternative dagger mesh, I just don't know which other item in the original game should receive the dragon dagger mesh... There is no unique dagger that would deserve it, in my opinion. But that would be part of a unique meshes mod, that I plan to release later.
But anyway, since there have been no further suggestions for other alternative meshes, I consider the mod finished, I just have to finish the readme and put it on the Nexus. I hope to get this done by sunday at the latest.
Thanks to you all for your feedback! I think I will create a new release thread for the finished mod, but keep this one for future weapon mesh WIPs.
I prefer the original longsword, although this one might be used somewhere. To the dagger, I would suggest to shorten the blade a bit and make the guard less broad, as now it seems too.... uhm, swordish
To the original mesh, first thing that comes to my mind is something fire related. But I checked and there is no such unique dagger. After browsing through UESP, I found only two potential candidates (IMO) - Soul Drinker and Barenziah's dagger.
You plan to make unique meshes mod? Yay!§ion=legends#
Looking forward to the complete release (although I already use all of the weapons in game ) and your future work
Would you mind sharing which set is your next target?
I also prefer the original longsword, although I also like the look of the alternative version. Anyway, it was very quick and easy to do, so everyone can decide which he likes more. About the dagger: Maybe it is because of the perspective in the screenshot that it looks so big in comparison to the swords, but I made it the exact length of the original steel dagger and the crossguard is even less broad. Having seen and held in hand a lot of sword and dagger replicas, I know that this size is quite accurate. Once the mod is released, you can convince yourself of this.
Soul drinker would be a good candidate in my opinion, even though the original is a daedric dagger... Barenziah's dagger would be nice, too, but I believe it would be too difficult to obtain, as you can only get it by murdering her or stealing it, if I am correct. It would sure look good on her, though... But then again I put too much work into the mesh to have it appear only in one place in the game.... I will need to think about this a little more.
Yes, and I did already mention that I take suggestions to which weapons that now use the steel standard steel meshes would deserve their own. I also mentioned a few candidates myself already: Shortbow of Sanguine Sureflight, Cloudcleaver, Spear of the Snow Prince, Ancestral Wisdom Staff, Trebonius' Staff, and Rammekald. And I even made two unique staffs which still fit the steel style and could be used for the two staffs:
I haven't decided yet, not even whether I will continue to do new meshes right away or first make new textures for these (though I could do both simultaneously, I guess) or take a little break from Morrowind modding altogether to focus a little more on some of my other projects again... So many ideas, and so little time...
Although if I had to decide which ones I want to do next, I would probably say ebony.
Thanks for providing those alternatives, Pherim! I actually couldn't remember which was the original and liked the Shortsword least as well, lol. Funny how that works out. Not that I'll be using the alternatives myself, I'm too much of a purist. I'm sure I'll still like it when combined with the original longsword and dagger.
I know what you can do with the Steel Dragon Dagger, just make a whole new set of weapons! Ornate Steel Dagger or Dragon Steel Dagger (tempered by dragon fire!). I'm not joking around...
Anyway, since you're talking about unique steel (I assume steel only at the moment) weapons, I think Icebreaker could be a great candidate. Making it look something like or or The Redas war axe is an opportunity to make a Dunmer Steel look. Same goes for Enamor, a unique steel dagger in the possession of a Buoyant Armiger. Though there's also the possibility that Redas Axe was supposed to be a Dwemer weapon and Enamor was supposed to be a Glass weapon...
Create a whole new set of weapons? I already thought of that, though not in that style... I have somewhat of a concept idea for a complete weapons set and maybe even a questline to get them, but this is completely out of question right now... but say I do make the dragon dagger part of a new set of weapons, how should they be integrated into the game? Only via leveled lists, or should they be available in shops, or just placed in some dungeons... don't know if I will find time to do something like this.
About the icebreaker: Actually, I thought about it, too, even though it is just a generic magic item and not a unique. But the things in your pictures are hammers and not maces... and since I am kind of a fan of maces I would prefer to keep it like this. By the way, this may not be the right thing for exactly this weapon, but I just had the idea to make a mace with blades in the form of an ice crystal, similar to this maybe: (I know this is not an accurate depiction of an ice crystal, but I could imagine it as the shape of mace blades)
Also, I suddenly remember that WH-Reaper asked for a replacer for the Mace of Molag Bal on the first page of this thread. Maybe I will do this soon. Redas war axe would be another good idea as well as Enamor... Maybe I will play around with ideas a little and see what comes out of it. For the unique meshes I would still like to keep them close to the style of the rest of the steel weapons, and that also means that I don't want to make new textures for them. Psymoniser achieved this very well with his unique iron meshes and I intend to do it in a similar way.
I'm not surprised you've considered a whole new set, lol. I was kinda messing with you, but I do like the idea. As far as implementation. I went the route of saying "to hell with compatibility!" with my Quorn Resource Integration mod and actually added the new armors and weapons to existing NPCs and leveled lists to make the items feel really integrated in the world. An alternative could be to add the weapons to a new mob type. Or a new NPC type such as a knightly Imperial order. I could definitely brainstorm some way to make them fit into the world.
That Icebreaker idea looks pretty neat, though I'd worry that it'd end up looking a bit too much like the Mace of Molag Bal. I'd be inclined to suggest something more utilitarian in appearance. More like a tool. But obviously I'm just shooting the breeze here; do what interests you.
What about giving it to ShotN or TR? Of course if they would want it.
Sounds like perfect replacer for Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer
Well, I actually aready got replacer for that one But concerning maces, there is one that would be quite a challenge: Mace of Slurring.
Really? Which one?
I am not very good in doing faces or heads, but in this case, maybe subdividing the head part of the original mesh would be a feasible solution. I'll think about it.
Didn't see this post before, so to give you an answer: Of course, I will include it in the mod, that's what I made it for.
But it will be in a separate folder so everybody can decide for himself whether he wants to use it or not, just as the dagger. Once I made the unique meshes mod however, I might make the alternative dagger the standard variant and use the dragon design for a uniqe weapon, though as I said a few posts back I am uncertain which one to give it to.
And just a little change that will be in the complete mod: I gave the imperial broadsword the same grip as the shortsword, after I noticed that Darknut's texture mod includes a modified version of the original mesh which also has that - it looks better in my opinion and improves both the consistency and the variety within the set(s) at the same time.
Steel Weapons are! Discussion about them is to continue in the
This thread remains open for future WIP weapon mesh projects. Thanks again for all the great feedback and suggestions, you were helping me a lot to get these as good as possible!