» Thu May 19, 2011 2:58 am
The main problem is that in Oblivion, the animation for walking up stairs was exactly like the one for walking on flat ground, thus, it did not look natural, and instead looked like you were floating up the stairs, or your feet might partially clip into them, what would be needed to fix this would be to have a different animation for when walking up stairs, or even just having the placement of the character's feet when on a surface that isn't perfecty flat taking into account the positioning of the ground, which I seem to recall Bethesda already did in Fallout 3, it wasn't perfect, but it was better than what we had in Oblivion.
In any case, as has been said, this doesn't necessarily require restricting the player's movement (Aside from maybe slowing movement when on the stairs, which seems reasonable to me.) Now can Havok Behavior do what GTA IV succeeded in doing in this regard? I don't know, because as far as I know, Skyrim will be the first game I play that takes advantage of it, but I guess we'll see.