Please add any suggestions to the list:
1) Create icon to kill(remove) dwellers in vault - way to time consuming to assign and manually kill/remove
2) Create option to disregard called in dwellers from radio - want to find rare/legendary dwellers but maxed at 200 and radio not bring in people (plus have 9 at door)
3) PLEASE allow games to transfer over game center - started on iphone - played a lot(accessible) and want to play on ipad but not start over - have 3 vaults on a device don't need (or want 6+)
4) More rooms = More replay value. Don't need to be great rooms but unique - Movie Theater - only increase happiness for assigned - Nuka Caps factory - Slowly creates caps (maxed out but would still want for fun), Weapon/armour upgrade room - place rusty flamer - comes out normal flamer and so on - ADDITION with #15 add another "defense room" like vault door - assigned dwellers boost other dwellers attk power + used as defense vs raiders
5) Move rooms of equal size - allow us to customize/regroup rooms (for a CAP fee of course)
6) Allow option to drop items while exploring - have enough crap and don't care about 10 caps selling
7) Have ability to see what dead dweller is wearing - don't want to remove if wearing legendary item - can only see what is unequipped
8) SOMEBODY ELSE'S IDEA - make storage room do something - MY TWIST - assigning dwellers creates addition storage room - They're organizing boxes (and have them drive around that forklift) (but as per #4 weapon upgrade feature agree with)
9) Allow Dwellers to roam in groups for extended periods of time (hopefully with a better chance to find stuff) and easier to recall group then each person at a time
10) Show raiders life bar (in RED) so you know whats going on
11) When you click on a room have a quick reference dweller amount ex. 5/6 (I know you can click the icon but it can be combersome (on iphone) and that function will still show dweller detail.
12) On phones (or all) move the success goal icon somewhere else - it covers the rush button so if your trying to rush rooms you have to wait for it to disappear - sounds small but its annoying
13) Continue adding bonus weapons/armor/dwellers - always good
14) When you move a dweller in a room that is full allow user to select what dweller he/she wants removed
15) MORE A QUESTION - I thought I saw a picture of dudes in power armor attacking player (instead of raiders) if not this should be added (or more then 3) raiders don't even make it past my first defence - would make more interesting if they were hard to defend (at higher levels)
16) Possibly assign dwellers (max amount) as guards - non stop roam but will go to rooms if raiders or radroaches attack
17) New Room - Dog kennel - find dogs in the waste and bring back - can upgrade and assign to exploring dwellers (adds +50 carry capacity? or increased Luck of finding items)
18) Melee weapons - just for fun - Plus the raiders have them
19) New Room - Store - Every 24 hrs is populated with new items for CAPS (3 max a day and can only sell 1 of each)(chance of rare items) not legendary as this would limit need for lunchboxes - rare items can cost even 100,000 caps to limit purchases
20) Room Equipment upgrades - purchase defense turrets, sprinklers, storage capacity
21) Room FULL indicator - Have a Green box around rooms that are full capacity
22) Room Lock indicator - Have a Blue box around rooms you have locked so you cannot accidentily drag out dwellers
23) Improve exploring - full 200 dwellers and I sent out 10 explorers and iphone 6 lags
24) SWITCHING dwellers - moving a dweller to a room with full capacity give you a screen to select who you want to move out - PLEASE
25) DWELLER List - Be able to see/change weapons armor from the dweller list (top left corner of screen) This way you can easily assign the right equipment or identify missing/weak equipment