This mod makes a global overhaul to the skills and combat system, through perks obtained at given levels. Fatigue and Health's behaviour are changed to make the fights more intense and technical.
Inari's Skills Tweaks tries to reconsider skills and statistics into the game system :
*Perks :
- Reaching a given level in a skill gives you a special perk. For example, all weapons skills give you a passive Fortify Attack 30pts when above 20, and when using that type of weapon. The perks list is available below.
- Perks that allow you to turn an item into an other, or to summon any, won't have their whole effects written in the spells list, because of the game system. However, their names will be explicit enough.
- Combat Stance perk which is obtained at lvl 70 of weapons skills is stackable. You'll get twice the effects if you've got two weapons skills at 70+.
*Statistics :
- Fatigue has a different behaviour. You don't loose it anymore when running, but you loose more when fighting. Being exhausted has a much worse effect than before, meaning that players require a more careful use of their Fatigue bar. Also, there are many perks that allows you to drain your own Fatigue to raise your effectivness.
- As a counterpart for new skills, Health is 5 times less efficient, meaning that any health loss is 5 times greater, forcing you to use a more technical approach during fights.
*Perks :
- Reaching a given level in a skill gives you a special perk. For example, all weapons skills give you a passive Fortify Attack 30pts when above 20, and when using that type of weapon. The perks list is available below.
- Perks that allow you to turn an item into an other, or to summon any, won't have their whole effects written in the spells list, because of the game system. However, their names will be explicit enough.
- Combat Stance perk which is obtained at lvl 70 of weapons skills is stackable. You'll get twice the effects if you've got two weapons skills at 70+.
*Statistics :
- Fatigue has a different behaviour. You don't loose it anymore when running, but you loose more when fighting. Being exhausted has a much worse effect than before, meaning that players require a more careful use of their Fatigue bar. Also, there are many perks that allows you to drain your own Fatigue to raise your effectivness.
- As a counterpart for new skills, Health is 5 times less efficient, meaning that any health loss is 5 times greater, forcing you to use a more technical approach during fights.
This is a beta version : I've been testing it myself, and no major bugs should be encountered, but I haven't been able to play dozens of character classes at various levels. Therefore, it might need balancing on a future release.
Let me know if you check it out, enjoy it, and if you encounter problems.
Thanks for support.

Link at PES :