I certainly hope we see an increase of activity. I would think that as the release comes nearer more and more people will join the forum; most will join to hear about the upcoming game, but for every two dozen or so that come, maybe one or two will check out the fan fiction forum. Even then, only a few of them will join; the biggest increase will probably be old veterans coming back because they see the board is actually becoming useable for roleplaying. Then of course once the actual game is released we'll see a whole mess of people coming for help or mods, and naturally the roleplaying will increase as total forum activity increases. So yes, I am very excited about the game, but we still have almost a year. No use getting your hopes up now :shrug:
On an unrelated note, I am definitely joining the first Skyrim-Main-Quest RP that comes up

I for one am starting a petition for Illusionary to come back to make it