Inconsequential NPCs
Version 1.3a
Do you chat with everyone you see on the public transit? Make inquiries into the name and profession of whoever you meet on the street? Why is it that almost every unique NPC in Skyrim is willing to stop everything they are doing just to waste precious time answering the Dragonborn's stupid questions when they probably have better things to do and more important places to be. For that matter, where are all the people in Skyrim? Why does the entire country have less population than your local pub on a Saturday night?
'Inconsequential NPCs' aims to add more NPCs to Skyrim in unintrusive ways that will allow them to blend immersively into the social fabric of the land. Most of the 'Inconsequential NPCs' do not care if your character is the Dragonborn. They don't really want to talk to you (but they are all voiced), so most of them won't have much to say to you (and those that do, will generally not have nice things to say). They won't ask you to 'deliver this...' or 'fetch that...', and they won't tell you their life stories because they just don't want to get to know you. There is no way for you to improve your relationship with them, because you are as inconsequential to them as they are to you. They are not going to drop everything they are doing to become your followers ( least, not for free). They are so unimpressed by you that the thought of marriage is completely ridiculous to them. All they want is to go about their business and cope with the daily grind.
But these are not just completely 'random' NPCs. They are all 'unique' and are intended to fill 'gaps' in the the various social environments of Skyrim. How often have you entered a particular location in Skyrim, expecting to find certain 'types' of people loitering in that area, only to be greeted by merely a couple of NPCs or an empty room? Just as lighting mods aim to subtly enhance the 'visual ambiance' of the game, 'Inconsequential NPCs' aims to enhance the 'social ambiance.'
List of 'NPC Types' in mod description (too lengthy to detail here)
Currently, there are 78 NPCs added by this mod and 23 dialogue scenes. My goal is to reach 100 NPCs.
Dialogue Scenes:
I recommend you use a mod manager like NMM or the Mod Organizer to install mods. If installing manually, extract the archive contents into '.../data/'.
1) Dismiss any hirelings from this mod that you have recruited.
2) Go into an interior cell with no NPCs, and make a new save game.
3) Uninstall the old version of the mod using the mod manager you installed it with. If uninstalling manually, delete 'Inconsequential NPCs.esp' and 'Inconsequential NPCs.bsa' from '.../data/'.
4) Install the new version of the mod.
1) Dismiss any hirelings from this mod that you have recruited.
2) If you have recently procured the...'services' of a 'flower girl' or a 'skooma addict', wait for the 'Relaxed' effect to wear off (it lasts one in-game hour, check your character's 'active effects' tab).
3) Make a new save game.
4) Uninstall using the same mod manager you installed it with. If uninstalling manually, delete 'Inconsequential NPCs.esp' and 'Inconsequential NPCs.bsa' from '.../data/'. That's it.
Compatible with 'Interesting NPCs' (in fact, I highly recommend that mod), 'Populated Cities', 'Immersive Patrols'....should be compatible with most mods that do not overhaul cities.
Optional Enhancement Module
The optional 'Enhancement Patch' assigns gears from 'Immersive Armor' and 'Winter is Coming' to some InconNPCs. In order to use the 'Enhancement Patch', you -must- have both 'Immersive Armor' -AND- 'Winter is Coming' installed. I will not be doing modular patches, because the changes edit the same record type (which means I would need to maintain 3 different versions). Plugins should be loaded in this order:
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Inconsequential NPCs – Enhancement.esp
Or, custom rule for BUM:
Add > Inconsequential NPCs – Enhancement.esp
After > Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Change log:
26/6/2013 - 1.3a - new implementation for disabling/renabling NPCs affected by city sieges.
23/6/2013 – 1.3 - Adds 12 NPCs, 1 new NPC type. Maven's Bodyguard revoiced. Adds 14 scenes
12/6/2013 – 1.2 – Adds 14 NPCs, 3 new NPC types. Some NPCs will now wander about the town drunk at night or carol/revel outside of taverns. Some NPCs will 'attend temple' during their off-work hours. Adjusted follow distance of servants so they don't follow their masters so closely. Foreign Envoys revoiced. Adds 5 scenes.
31/5/2013 – 1.1 – Adds 12 NPCs, 3 new NPC types, 2 existing NPC types overhauled and given their own profile. Adds 4 scenes.
23/5/2013 – 1.0 - Release
Voice Actors:
Anna Castiglioni / Anduniel - Female College Student
Emma Moon / Hotemochick1992 - Child Apparition
Jeremy King / Vulon – Foreign Envoys, Maven's Bodyguard
Nathan Wilkinson / Flanxei - Male Apparition, Male College Student
- Thanks for the great TW2 conversions, LordOfWar.
- Thanks to the voice actors and their excellent work.
- Thanks for the Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout: NV/Skyrim modding community for all the advice and assistance over the years.
- Thanks to DarkOne and Nexus staff for making the Nexus the best site for Skyrim mods.
- Thanks to Bethesda for Skyrim.