This argument is a straw-man as you are arguing the descriptive detail and qualification of a person in attributes vs. skills perks. False anology as no one, to my knowledge, is advocating removing skills and or leaned perks from an game, much less this one. More accurate comparison is skills aside as they can/do exist in both scenarios: What better defines the character you are playing: 8 arbitrary and not completely accurate mathematical qualification of a person (str, agility, constitution, intelligence, personality, wisdom, and luck) versus three arbitrary mathematical figures describing people/character via health stamina magica?
If i were to describe new upcoming character as 100 health, 50 stamina character then a 50 health 100 stamina character you have no clue what gender, what race, or the background/history/base abilities of what is being played as health/stamina are so generic umbrella adjectives which a slew of items fall under their purview. The race, gender, I choose the change the visual avatar on the screen is meaningless as any avatar as health/stamina do not define anything. whereas using attributes, or any other system for quantifying an individual, if I were to assign number to the above stats or letter grades, anything you would have a somewhat better picture of whom is being created/described/played. Yes, attributes or any other mathematical system in comparing people based upon chosen criteria will not be all encompassing and can catch every variable or exception, but much like Democracy - it is the worst system there is, except for all the rest.
Riddle me this: what health/stamina (as magic doesn't exist) would you assign: Winston Churchill, Michael Jordan, Pele', Einstein, Barack Obama, and Mother Theresa when each was say, 20. What is the mathematical probability of someone else successfully putting the figures you come up with with the names? Would or would not that probability change if you were to mathematically assign figures to their strength, dexterity, bodily constitution, intelligence, wisdom, willpower, etc, etc?
What excited me about Bethesda's overarching creed "play whoever you want to be, go where you want to go, etc, etc, etc" is precisely my problem with the oversimplification/crude abstractness of the three "attributes" which are very poor descriptors for TES V. I am not playing "who i want to" as every person with the exception of a few points of health and energy is like every other person as the variables are greatly reduced and poor descriptors to boot. I am playing clone version 1, avatar chosen E, next time close version 2,avatar chosen H.
How can you be so sure that it will be as you describe though? They have already said that the simplification is only really dumbed down in the attribute department. The meaningless numbers and stats that they think takes a person out of the role-playing experience. Instead they have replaced it with an intricate web of perks and skills that feel more natural to the player and to how you roleplay. The categorizing of people under Health Magicka and Stamina is inaccurate, those are, as Todd said, base stats that are commonly affected by every attribute. What makes the individual unique, and what still give us that freedom that Bethesda have promised is in what skills we choose to master. What perk trees we decide to develop and flourish. The difference is that its not in a list of numbers and words in front of us, it had been put into other categories. In the end, Skyrim won't come down to numbers or mathematical probabilities. It's gonna come down to how you play, and where you choose to aim attention in terms of skills and perks.