Thanks, Haama-- I'll take a look to-morrow, and get back to you on how it goes

OK, I decided to test it tonight-- it works perfectly!! Thank you

But can I ask for al ittle bit more help?
This is my retrival code-- it doesn't seem to be working-- it says it has checked the Items, but no items are actually added to the chest...
If ( GetGameLoaded ) ThisChest.RemoveAllItems Set File to CreateString -1 "CDM - Here Take This\CDM - Here Take This.ini" Set Section to CreateString -1 "Chest 01" Set Key to CreateString -1 "Item" Set Dint to 0 Set Ticker to 0 Label 20 If ( Ticker < ItemsInChest ) Set Ticker to ( Ticker + 1 ) IntToString ValToAdd Ticker SetString Key "Item" StringCat Key ValToAdd Set Target to IniReadRef File Section Key DInt IntToString ValToAdd Ticker SetString Key "ItemCount" StringCat Key ValToAdd Set ItemCount to IniReadInt File Section Key DInt2 ThisChest.AddItem Target ItemCount GoTo 20 EndIf Message" Items Loaded..." EndIf