Two things.
The more important part is that they have shown the willingness to commit deadly and disproportionate violence in service to their cause, and that that cause is one which puts them in direct opposition against House.
They occupied Helios One, and refused to hand it over to the NCR.
Yes that pulled them into a battle they couldn't win, but it's not like they commited some obscene atrocities against humanity.
Secondly, they are in no position to be a threat at the moment. That’s because they are (a) being led by McNamara, and (b ) still recovering psychologically from Helios One. Neither is a situation that will last indefinitely.
And they will never be again, as they are lacking the sheer numbers, more than ever.
And as we know, the codex will maintain this Status Quo.
I know, you are constantly ignoring that fact, because you don't have a valid point against it, but that won't stop me from reminding you

The classic example here is Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A huge tragedy? Yes. Evil? Maybe. But something good came out of it - many, many more (quite literally a hundred times as many) lives both American and Japanese would have been lost had the Americans been forced to invade Japan the traditional way.
That is highly questionable. a lot of historical sources indicate, that Japan was already willing to capitulate.
With the first bomb you could have argued, no one really knew what would happen exactly.
The bomb on Nagasaki was not more than cynical field research.
Ask the ten thousands of survivors who died slowly and horribly afterwards about the 'good', even decades after...
If you support House, and you fail to eliminate the Brotherhood, it's very likely that you're setting the Mojave up for a destructive guerrilla war in the near future. I have no doubt House would eventually win but it would destabilize the Mojave greatly and as a David hemmed in between two Goliaths an independent Mojave cannot afford that.
You have nothing to back that claim up, other than an urgent need to justify a little mass murder
I am not saying that pre-emptive extermination is a good thing in general. But in this instance I think we’ve seen enough of House to know that he would not employ excessive violence unless he thought it was necessary,
Yeah, i've seen enough of him, too. Obviously my observations were a bit different.
House doesn't know moral categories. The only thing he cares about, is securing his own position.
That's the reason, why he employs the snuff-affine Omertas, why he doens't give a damn sh** about everything outside the Strip, and why he wants the BoS exterminated.
The slightest possible chance of a danger is enough for him to extinguish other peoples lives.
On the other hand, he pays no attention to what's happening in his own yard, as longs as the caps are rolling.
The usual behaviour of a, let's use the term applied in the end slide to him,
Yeah, I am pointing to the actions of the few individuals, because they are representative of that community. This is a game, and if the objective truth in-game was that a few members would have leapt to Veronica's defense, the devs would have found a way to work it in somehow.
You are not really believing this, or?

It was the ambition of the developers to illustrate the downfall of a former major power.
A downfall which is heavily propelled by overzealous sticking to an outdated ruleset, and the unwillingness to adjust and react to new conditions.
For sure it was not the intention of the developers to make up some silly plot enabling the leaders to read the minds of every single member, thus sending a Veronica rescue squad that renders the Courier unnecessary....buut I think I don't need to tell you that