I thought Todd said somewhere there were 85 spells (at the time of interview)
I was going thru the OB wiki and just from Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, and Illusion there are about 35 spell effects (not individual spells). I only counted summoning as 1 effect since there are so many creatures that can be summoned and we don't know how it will work in Skyrim. Same for Drain, Damage (like damage health, magicka, attribute, fatigue), Absorb effects, counted as 1 effect each. So if you have about 35 effects in just 4 schools they are either leveling spells or cutting a bunch of effects. Unless I misunderstood what Todd was saying.
I was going thru the OB wiki and just from Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, and Illusion there are about 35 spell effects (not individual spells). I only counted summoning as 1 effect since there are so many creatures that can be summoned and we don't know how it will work in Skyrim. Same for Drain, Damage (like damage health, magicka, attribute, fatigue), Absorb effects, counted as 1 effect each. So if you have about 35 effects in just 4 schools they are either leveling spells or cutting a bunch of effects. Unless I misunderstood what Todd was saying.