[Relz] Indoril Spear

Post » Wed May 23, 2012 7:56 am

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Indoril Spear v 1.0
by EsoptrosOer


1. Description
2. Installation
3. Version history
4. Saved games
5. Credits

1. Description:
This mod simply Adds a custom model of an Indoril Spear to the game.
It comes with two Esp[s]: IndorilSpear.ESP adds the spear to the item
List of the Regular Ordinators, in-game.
IndorilSpearCSOnly.ESP adds the Indoril Spear only to the Construction Set.
It doesn't add anything else.
2. Installation:
Extract all files into your Morrowind directory.

v 1.0 - Initial release.

Always make sure that you backup your existing
savegame before use.

You may use this as a resource but please credit me.
Conversion to Oblivion or Skyrim is fine by me, but
you can only convert the model.
The Textures are Vanilla Textures from Morrowind [except the gold_platterDull Texture
and Phijama's wood texture]

Spear-Model: Me
Gold_platterDull Texture: Me/A free texture resource site [forgot the name]
Wood Texture: Phijama
Indoril Texture: Bethesda
Helping me learn: Everyone at the ESF for being awesome and their time and patience!

The download can be found at Morrowind Nexus: http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42137

Admittedly this being my fist mod EVER released, I am not sure whether it takes time to actually be downloadable or not on Morrowind Nexus.

but thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy.

Here is a Screenie as well: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/138/a/e/indoril_spear_model_for_morrowind_in_game_by_chaosgod21-d509ch2.jpg
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