Infernal City Aftermath

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:33 pm

If I'm not mistaken after the events of The Infernal City Vvardenfell is pretty well destroyed, most of Morrowind is either in ruins or being taken over by Argonians, and the Imperials are pretty well weakened.

Is this about right?

I'm thinking of writing a fan fiction that takes place after all that...and I'm under the impression that most of Morrowind is essentially as the Ash Deserts were in the game. Vast expanses of dead land with most of Dunmer civilization and architecture buried beneath black earth.

Is that about right? Do we know what's happening in other areas, aside from the dragons starting up Skyrim?
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:31 am

Yep. Valenwood and Summurset have seceded from the empire and formed a new Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor). Elsweyr is also independent (but not united), as is Black Marsh. The provide further detail.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 5:42 am

A tsunami hit Morrowind we dont have the right date but we know it was in the late 3rd era/ early 4th eras
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 5:43 pm

A tsunami hit Morrowind we dont have the right date but we know it was in the late 3rd era/ early 4th eras
It was in the 4th era. Happened after the Oblivion Crisis.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:10 am

Likely following the fall of the ministry and/or the eruption of red mountain. It was mentioned early in the book and unconfirmed elsewhere, so I didn't change it in the notes.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:24 pm

A tsunami hit Morrowind we dont have the right date but we know it was in the late 3rd era/ early 4th eras

And then they couldn't cool their nuclear reactors properly so it all seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:07 am

And then they couldn't cool their nuclear reactors properly so it all seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.

Good thing White-Gold was radiation hardened during the testing at Rimmen, then.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:30 am

Good thing White-Gold was radiation hardened during the testing at Rimmen, then.

I loved playing Morrowind , but some fans have bagged the [censored] out of oblivion for the sake of whining .
im greatful to hear Vvardenfell and those arrogant dunmer were destroyed.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:34 am

Yep. Valenwood and Summurset have seceded from the empire and formed a new Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor). Elsweyr is also independent (but not united), as is Black Marsh. The provide further detail.

That would be worth visiting in the future (hint)
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:23 pm

A tsunami hit Morrowind we dont have the right date but we know it was in the late 3rd era/ early 4th eras

How far did inundate the province ?
Were Vvardenfell and Mournhold areas destroyed , did it take out kragonmoor and Silgrad, i guess ill be looking for that book somewhere when i finally arrive in the rebel stronghold of Windhelm in November.
Though i may take a bit of time and a few quarts of mine and others blood before i get there, im deterimined to rid the world of imperial rule in the north regardless and find some answers.

Listener - B Oddie
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 9:33 pm

We don't know of yet. But yes Vvardenfell and Mournhold were destroyed and most of Morrowind is corver by volcanic ash. Argonans took over the rest.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:00 am

I loved playing Morrowind , but some fans have bagged the [censored] out of oblivion for the sake of whining .
im greatful to hear Vvardenfell and those arrogant dunmer were destroyed.

You'll find that in this forum in particular, myself included, because Oblivion was at best a mixed bag lore wise. Perceptions may change with time but I it's pretty clear they were much more focused on game mechanics as opposed to lore which was a legitimate direction to go in given that is a/the major flaw of Morrowind.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:05 am

You'll find that in this forum in particular, myself included, because Oblivion was at best a mixed bag lore wise. Perceptions may change with time but I it's pretty clear they were much more focused on game mechanics as opposed to lore which was a legitimate direction to go in given that is a/the major flaw of Morrowind.

That's not an excuse. Hiring five more writers and trying to foster more communication between the lore writers, the level designers, and the storyline writers shouldn't take that much more time and money, which is another reason I felt that Oblivion should have taken more time in development.

Not that I don't like Oblivion, it just takes a level-fixer mod and a books mod to become enjoyable to me. Except for the main quest. That was just absolutely terrible.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:26 am

That's not an excuse. Hiring five more writers and trying to foster more communication between the lore writers, the level designers, and the storyline writers shouldn't take that much more time and money, which is another reason I felt that Oblivion should have taken more time in development.

Not that I don't like Oblivion, it just takes a level-fixer mod and a books mod to become enjoyable to me. Except for the main quest. That was just absolutely terrible.

I liked both main quests,though morrowinds was slightly better. But,does nobody think oblivion's story is better than what was first thought,because of the skyrim anouncement trailer and alduins wall?

Like for instance some people didn't like the fact martin,did what he did,but when you see the anoucement trailer it makes sense. I hope people get what i mean.

Basically,oblivions main quest,wasn't as bad as one thought ,due to the events of skyrim etc.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:25 am

I liked both main quests,though morrowinds was slightly better. But,does nobody think oblivion's story is better than what was first thought,because of the skyrim anouncement trailer and alduins wall?

Like for instance some people didn't like the fact martin,did what he did,but when you see the anoucement trailer it makes sense. I hope people get what i mean.

Basically,oblivions main quest,wasn't as bad as one thought ,due to the events of skyrim etc.

The second and third times I played through it, I found it to be much better than my initial impressions led me to believe.
It wasn't the game's high-point, but it wasn't a total disappointment, and has its virtues.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:39 am

I think Oblivion's main quest was one of those where it takes some time to ferment and spread roots out in your head. At first, you may question it, especially given the massively detailed MQ of Morrowind, but as you think, you start to realize exactly how big and important the Oblivion Crisis actually was, what it affected. The detail wasn't there- it was the forcible breaking of the Status Quo.

Hell, I think, there are so many interpretations floating around that it's staggering. My personal favorite that has creeped back into my head is that Dagon may have WON.
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Marquis T
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:21 am

I don't believe anybody's won yet.
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