It is so, but don't worry. If you don't want dragons don't start the MQ.
... really, Bethesda ?
REALLY ?!! ..
I'm not a prolific poster by any measure, but I just had to comment when I read about the possibility (please please please not a certaintly) of infinite dragons..
..surely I don't have to remind you guys of the many many many complaints post-oblivion re the gates ?
I just don't understand how .. when you sat down at the dev table that morning.. and "someone" came up with this idea.. an intern didnt immediately point out the disappointment that were the Oblivion gates..
For those who may not have played OB.. the first gate was tense.. the second, ok..
the fifteenth... :snoring:
I want dragons that are mysterious, awe-inspiring and beyond good or evil... and destined for extinction by the coming of the Dovakhiin