I think random quests could work if they are a rare occurence.
Honestly, I'd hate it if some villager came asking for help for the 20th time in the past 30 minutes. However, it would be silly if randomly generated quests were given to the player at such a frequency. I highly doubt that these quests would be given at a quick pace, and with that in mind, I highly doubt that these quests would be guarenteed boring simply because they aren't "hand-crafted". Not to say that there shouldn't be any hand-crafted quests, in fact, there should be many more hand-crafted quests than random quest templates. I haven't seen this system in play yet, hopefully in E3 we'll see something on this matter.
What I'd like to see are random/side quests appearing in the players vinicity, or in a certain place only after the player discusses rumors. These quests can range from combat-oriented quests to quests of an economic nature. Here are a few quests which I had in mind:
- Combat - These quests could be of the rescue, exterminate/hunt, and attack/defend varieties.
- Economic - These quests would be simple quests in which you could use your skills to obtain an item(s) for an NPC or village, be it an artifact or various metals.
- Guild - These would only appear once you've joined a guild/faction. Things like Dark Brotherhood assassinations, or obtaining alchemical materials for either of the mage guilds.
Quests along those lines. Like quoted above, the key to the success of these types of quests might depend on the frequency in which they appeared. Also, certain repeatable side quests, like obtaining furs for example, could possibly be tied to a specific NPC. Killing this NPC would result in someone else giving the quest, until there are none left, in which that quest for that area is lost.
These are just my opinions on the matter. I believe these quests could spice up the game, so hopefully there will be a few.