The armor he's using has the mechanical hands so yes it appears it's powered.
The armor he's using has the mechanical hands so yes it appears it's powered.
ok lets see what we can actually confirm....
00:02 Chrome plating as an option on New Mr Handy's Confirmed! Round Metal Garbage cans CONFIRMED!
00:03 Mr Handy's ability to Properly trim a Hedge wall CONFIRMED!
00:04 Mr Handy's ability to look at the camera CONFIRMED!
00:05 People had Bikes and Working cars available to them pre war CONFIRMED!
00:06 People being transported by Cars pre war CONFIRMED!
00:07 Garden Hose Reel with hose pre war CONFIRMED!
00:08 Multiple designs and paint jobs on Cars Prewar CONFIRMED. pocket parks, and ridiculously small baseball fields CONFIRMED, Very powerful and Bright Explosion CONFIRMED, Flash vaporization of Leafy material on trees CONFIRMED, Buildings torn apart by the blast CONFIRMED!
00:09 Massive destruction of or heavy damage suffered by structures in the field of view CONFIRMED!
00:10 Massive fire(Ball? Wall?) sweeping over the field of view CONFIRMED!
00:11 Non Flat/horizontal Vault door Gear CONFIRMED!(note this is not necessarily confirmation of another vault, after all you could literally be going out another entrance of Vault 111, and its possible that a not Vaultec Facility may use the same gear type door and its entirely possible that nothing in this video has anything whatsoever to do with the actual game!)
00:12 CONFIRMED! That during the a cloudless day outside of whatever your walking out if its dark of is by comparison BLEEEEEPING bright. . .
00:13 more of 12 basically confirming 12! the amount of cross confirmation of "Facts" in the video is absolutely stunning!
00:14 Same as 13 the amount of confirmation of what was i n the twelfth 12 is absolutely astonishing!
00:15 CONFIRMING that whoever did this animation has the "cool walk" down pat!!!! also Confirmed! Blasted Wasteland city looks Blasted and Rusted Semi Looks RUSTED! also three yellow 1's sewn onto the Back of the Blue Bodysuit thing indicating the number 111!
00:16 CONFIRMING! Use of Stylized Rocket to support Awning!
00:19 New Location that may or may not be the place seen in seconds 15 to 18, Confirming that a moving Mr Handy in the seen and a DOG!
00:20-OO;26 More confirmation of a seemingly abandoned debris field and open wasteland
00:27 Abo[censored]ly ASTOUNDING CONFIRMATION that the person we are following in the Video Is WAY COOLER than you or I can ever hope to be!
00:29 Confirming that multiple individuals are big, green and one is clearly heavily armed with a seemingly ridiculously heavy gun of some kind!
00:30-00:32 Confirming! WITHOUT A DOUBT! that two of the Mutants are armed with firearms, and seemingly cant hit the broad side of a barn with them. Also Confirming that the Dog is at least smart enough to get out of the line of fire of the Big mutant with a gun but is still charging a third Super mutant in the distance.
00:33 and 00:33 Confirmed that at least one Bipedal robot like object is capable of at least moving!!!!
00:34 Something that looks like the backside of a set of power-armor CONFIRMED!
00:42-00:50 CONFIRMED! It is possible to turn the head of that specific "Power armor"!
00:51-end CONFIRMED Fallout 4 Icon/nameplate image, and Images of Various boxes of Fallout 4
So basically a lot of stuff confirmed to be in that Video....but its NOT a actual Game play trailer.. its supposed to look freaking good but may not be totally representative of whats actually in the game....
That said I love the trailer.
to bad they did not make a "Female protagonist" version.
I agree Drakenred, I'm waiting for the trailers with the 50's hairdo house wife beating a super mutant senseless with a rolling pin or cooking up crowds with a flamethrower.
They've never had a female protagonist in their commercials. The closest we ever got to seeing a female vault dweller in an ad was Doris and Sally:
Yea why is there so much talk of the vault boy and not much talk of the vault girl with her thumb up?
Power Armor will need some kind of power could technically use it all the time....if you have the power cells for it. With merchants and such and you being able to set up settlements and trade caravans I imagine you can reach a point in the game where you passively get lots of caps that you can then convert into essentially all the power cells you could ever use in a billion years but that will be late game and require a lot of work.
No it is not confirmed.
Based on what i've seen so far i would say that this is the case, but it's not for certain.
Power Armor requires parts, parts that can be destroyed. Power Armor requires repairs when it gets damaged. And Power Armor needs energy to function, energy that runs out. All this we know from the reveal trailer.
Considering the existance of these limitations and costs for running the Power Armor it would be very unusual if it would still only be limited to specific story missions, and the rest of the time it sits in your garage looking pretty.
In the trailers of FO3 and 4 now we see the main character always in a vault suit, but nobody is telling " would i be able to wear somerthing else?"
I dont think the PA will be overpowerd at it serves only as a "tank", meaning there will be other suits/armor for different situations.
I for example, im more a light armor/sneak type of guy.
You would equiping your PA in heavy combat situations, facing many enemies and taking a lot of firepower.
It's very likely that their version of Power Armour is like that of the NCR's, scrapped of all the parts that make it Power Armour so all that's left is heavy steel armour.
How I believe it will work, is the power armor will work very much like your body, in that each limb, the body, and the head can and will be damaged.
You can repair/upgrade/modify it all in your garage. You can use it anytime, but you must be mindful of it's upkeep.
Sure, you could take it for this mission, but that might mean you won't be able to use it again for a while after, because you'll need to find the items needed to repair it.
How I plan to use it, is for main quest missions only. All other I'll be using whatever else I find.
We have zero reason to believe just walking around depletes the energy reserves of the Power Armor. We've already seen the spotlight and jetpack doing that in the revealed footage.
Having to repair it by taking it back to your work bench alone would make it so you couldn't use it all the time. Add to that having to recharge it or find a power source and that decreases it's availability in quests considerably.
If anything, Upkeep will be the only factor.
I have absolutely no idea why people so badly want it to be something that depletes and is only used a limited amount of time. Lore isn't the reason either.
As some people have said though, if the power armour sequence we saw is super early in the game, we likely lose that anyway or end up having to repair it some time later in the game, and that sequence is just meant to build the anticipation/set a goal. I can almost guarantee Bethesda isn't going to take their most iconic armour, practically the poster boy for the Fallout series next to Vault-boy, and make it completely a chore to use, or force us to have to micromanage fuel consumption.
I think you can use Power Armor until it breaks or maybe it has some kind of oxygen timer. I would like it to be limitless in how long you can use it since it would be more fun that way. But what if Power Armor is battery powered? It would then need to be fueled every now and then to move the mechanical limbs of the suit. I'm sure they've thought all this out and will give us the best possible alternative to all our current ramblings, if not then we can ask for change.