You do realize that half of Oblivions wilderness was randomly generated right?
Thank you.
Most people don't realize that I don't want autogenerated cities, caves or dungeons
I'm not asking for Daggerfall2
I'm not even requesting more content than they already announced
I'm merely trying to propose inflating of wilderness (to make game world closer to real province size)
Road? make ir 5 times longer
Forest? increase it 7 times
Lake? make it 10 time bigger
I don't have much terrain modding or any game designing experience, so please anyone who have such experience, please answer to few simple question.
Does inflation of wilderness is so long, complicated and resource demanding procedure?
Will it end up using few Gb more on disc?
Will it signicantly increase system requirements?
From my point of view answer to all of these questions is "no", but I may be wrong
Oblivion's map could be crossed in about an hour, and you could see across the whole thing from a vantage point in the hills below Bruma.
What version of Oblivion did you played?
It took my early game character to go from Anvil/Leyawiin to Cheydinhal ~10min real life time (Speed ~30, Athletics ~45)
And thats crossing almost all map (add 2-3 more minutes to reach border)
BUT I didn't used roads much, so walking on the roads could use up 20min