Influx of New Players.

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:49 am

Been playing a few matches over the last few days and have noticed a seemingly large crop of low ranked players - along with a noticeable increase in cheaters. Have recorded and uploaded some. I've been raping on some servers which is unusual for me. 36 - 2 on a round of Skyline with many players ranked under level 10!

Played a few matches today with some guy who was level 5 and was insanely bad. After the 1st round of CtR he was 18 - 0. Next round he was running 13 - 0, I kept trying to run onto his gun to let him get a kill. Others putting me down before he could - **** his aim was atrocious.

So what's with this latest influx of nubs and cheaters?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:13 am

I also saw my skill level go up!

1. Crysis for $18 on Origin.
2. "Public" releases of some formerly advanced hacks.

Nametaggers have always been easy to spot, but there seems to be a "zero spread" hack out; I'm getting outgunned repeatedly where it, um, shouldn't happen. There also was a guy with an obviously overpowered Scar...

Its a drag that this new influx of players has to deal with this.
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Del Arte
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:30 pm

I was on one of popular servers (wont name it), fighting against 3 cheaters playing in the same time, with ranks bellow 10.
WTF? Is there some keygen there on site with hacks, or they bought the game just to try out hacks, or wth?!

but it's not just noobs with cheats... I got disappointed by one ~respected veteran player, because he killed me in a way like he had wallhack or nametag-hack (I wont name him cos I don't have a proof)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:21 pm

ive seen a lot recently and also been accussed a lot aswell, but in small maps like wall street if your positioned well ie hmg tower you can cover most respawn spots with tag and visor enhance 3 and pick people off thats when the fun starts and people accuse you of hacking,stating how could you see me i was cloaked or i was cloaked behind a wall and they dont realise you can see a red outline of them lol. but you end up getting kicked because they all end up pressing f1. end of my sad little rant ;)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:36 pm

@urban-grilla: Don't you kind of deserve it for all of that spawn-farming? ;)
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:42 am

lol suppose but that was an example of knowing your maps :) does not mean i resort to spawn farm, im more of an aggresive player who likes to get into the thick of things and play and not care about any k/d ratio unless im doing certain weapon assesments e,g dsg and sniping. :))
same thing can be said about city hall almost guaranteed some one will be up there sniping away lol. but there is a difference from some one who knows the maps and an obvious hacker ie aimbot wall hack speed hack teleport hack
unlimited ammo plus god knows how many more type of hacks, so unless you play with known players all the time mud starts to stick after a while :((
bye for now gonna kill some newbies 2night lol
nah im not that bad i let a few kill me ;)
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:21 am

True enough... Lately a lot of my best runs are more about knowing where they are going to come from and them not knowing that its obvious. As to spawn farming-- all's fair. On some maps you're a fool not to constantly check the spawn points. But-- dedicated spawn-farmers are also easy kills ;)

I'm really glad to see the new players. I try to be as helpful as I can (as long as it doesn't get in the way of killing them)
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:00 am

he he love it , but there seems to be quite a few new players comming into the game now, just hope they enjoy it as much as i do.
night all gonna watch conan the barbarian now.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:19 pm

I'm one of those new players. Yep I took EA up on that offer 17 bucks how could I go wrong. The multiplayer is hella fun. I have to admit I get pretty frustrated sometimes. The weird thing about this game is when I shoot someone and they drop I'm like wtf. It usually takes 30 rounds out of my M60 to do that. Anyway I don't cheat and won't cheat. And ya I know some people seem way to good but when I see a rank 50 I know I don't know half of the perks and stuff so I let it slide. Also I'm often awarded the most cowardly badge from getting shot in the back lol. I thought shooting someone in the back was cowardly not the other way around. I just got the visor enhancement so I see where I could have been nailed a lot. Also I still don't know how the mini map works. The other night I had my best round ever on Lighthouse. I was MVP and the very next game I was 3 kills 14 deaths lol. I always wonder about guys who win every single map with 26 and 1 or 0 . I mean come on sometimes you gotta scratch your nuts or take a sip of beer or something ?
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:18 am

@B2B_Snake: Really glad you're playing-- and you've got the right attitude. Skill levels are pretty high by now and the action is intense. I'm hoping we'll have a new influx of players who get into it.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:53 am

Good to have you B2B_Snake. Your skill will go up as your game time hours go up. If you want to work on something in this game it's situational awareness. Being able to predict where people normally are on a map and where they travel is pretty huge since most of the time they're invisible. Of course that skill comes with map knowledge, which comes with time.

Good luck!
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Amanda savory
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:54 am

Finally it has happened!

Urb, you're now officially one of the top-tier players :D
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:39 pm

lol cheers m8 only in xp points i think and thats due to me being on most nights hanging around like a bad smell :))
still im not a top player them years are way way gone lol.
just might have been a bit better if it wasnt for them dam auto reboots, cant be arsed leveling up over and over again.
still going against you guys makes me look like a complete and utter noob :(
see you out there crazy ;)
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:59 am

I am a new player have not tried online yet just baught the game and just finished the campaign, Loved the story line lots of fun. It will be a huge upet if I go online only to find a bunch of punk players who cant play without cheats, go back to COD I say.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:39 pm

Also I'm often awarded the most cowardly badge from getting shot in the back lol. I thought shooting someone in the back was cowardly not the other way around.
Just there, I'd say the better name for the perk would be "Most Unfortunate".
Because I've only once taken down someone who shot me in the back. (Out of how many times now?)

And unsurprisingly, that was exceptionally lucky.

Unless you don't consider a reflex-sight DSG buttshot-headshot luck. ;P
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:03 pm

I'm one of the new players :) Good and entertaining mp for sure. Just a few small annoying bugs that's all, i've written about them in the known issues page. I'm already rank 29 i believe, played it quite much the last week or so.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:37 pm

I'm one of those new players. Yep I took EA up on that offer 17 bucks how could I go wrong. The multiplayer is hella fun. I have to admit I get pretty frustrated sometimes. The weird thing about this game is when I shoot someone and they drop I'm like wtf. It usually takes 30 rounds out of my M60 to do that. Anyway I don't cheat and won't cheat. And ya I know some people seem way to good but when I see a rank 50 I know I don't know half of the perks and stuff so I let it slide. Also I'm often awarded the most cowardly badge from getting shot in the back lol. I thought shooting someone in the back was cowardly not the other way around. I just got the visor enhancement so I see where I could have been nailed a lot. Also I still don't know how the mini map works. The other night I had my best round ever on Lighthouse. I was MVP and the very next game I was 3 kills 14 deaths lol. I always wonder about guys who win every single map with 26 and 1 or 0 . I mean come on sometimes you gotta scratch your nuts or take a sip of beer or something ?
LOL yeah, I was thinking about that dog-tag name too xD it's not logic at all, but I guess they didn't have any good idea for that one, after that dog-tag "Most sneaky"

I'm a n00b too, and the game is great fun. I was playing for week or two in June, and after ~5 months of not playing, I'm back, and my KD moved from 0,78 to 1,48 and still rising ^_^
I hate when some weird stuff happen, but I guess that's ping issue, for exmpl when I unload half of clip in a guy, and hit him with 2 meeles but he kills me, and in the kill cam I see myself "swimming" in front of him lol
On 1st Crysis I've played only SP, and on C2 it's better part is MP and I'm enjoying it to the max.

cya in game ;)
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:59 pm

"Influx of New Players"

...oh really.... ?
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loste juliana
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:09 am

LOL !! Sovereign . Thanks for the welcome guys . See ya out there. What servers do ya'll like to play on ?
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:30 pm

If you're canadian, I'd say go for DDD| Armageddon.
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