First off thanks for reading throufg the article ad providing the highlights cheers.
Second I like a lot of stuff they talked about, some seemed very good.
You have quick menus for each hand. The example they give is say, you switch your left hand immediately from a shield to a fire spell while retaining the sword in the other. Apparently you can switch from the gritty, up-close melee to magic in almost no time spent.
So basically they changed the old system that allowed you to do it all with any character type in a power game style.
Then made it the same in function but with more options to hotkey powerful abilities that switch almost instantly.
If they had said the switch out was longer or lengthened based on what the character had equiped it would have given me more hope.
ATM this seems to me and just me I have to say, that the game may require gamers to build generic and power built characters that have to do everything.
Rather than can choose do everything or just one thing well and not forced to go against this.
I like fighter mages but I don't want to play as one all the time.
Supposedly Bethesda has also focused more on pacing and variety to ensure that you don't 'just find a dark corner to curl up in for a snooze.' The dungeon which they explored was Bleak Falls Barrow from the demo, and this time around there are 'far more traps and puzzles' in dungeons, which gave Bleak Falls section 'a distinctively Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade vibe.'
Hmmm I don't know how to take this, traps and puzzles could meen "ways to kill the PC only" or ramped up the difficulty.
It could also mean this is more Action, fantasy FPS with story and open world.
I hope it means inventive ways to twist the situation in your favour with some thought.