First off beautiful Avatar. Kate Beckinsale is undoubtedly the hottest woman on earth.Secondly thanks for all this info. I'm going to add some of it to my Dragon thread right now and I'll probably go out and buy this magazine soon. Yeah i already know what it says now but I use to have a subscription to it and I enjoy the screens that go along with the articles. Plus you gotta have something for toilet material :blush2: right?I went a little bit into this in my dragon thread. They are definitely talking about the graybeards here. If you want to read more it's under my Dragonshout section in my thread. Link below. \/
Yeah I've seen the thread, crazy detail. Good work. And no doubt about Kate Beckinsale! Glad someone else sees the truth! haha
I posted this in another thread like a couple of days ago.
I found your thread mentioning dungeons, but that was it. Regardless, there's a lot of things people obviously didn't see, so I figured I'd let 'em know.
Power to the People! (bioshock reference for the 'big draggies')