ini files and gameplay settings

Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:58 am

Hi everyone,

I'm very new to the modding scene and have been trying my best to understand and learn how the Creation Kit works. I've uploaded 3 mods to the Steam Workshop but am having quite a lot of trouble with my fourth, most recent mod. My fourth mod simply intended to disable the ability for enemies to trigger kill move animations on the player. My main motivation for this is because higher difficulties are virtually impossible to play with melee combat due to being forced into death with no way out. After searching online for the command that decides if the player should ever be killed by a finishing animation, I found the command fKillCamBaseOdds. After setting the variable to 0 in the Creation Kit, and saving it as a plugin, I launched Skyrim and tried fighting dragons and difficult enemies on Legendary difficulty, and found the experience much more fulfilling and tactical, and wanted others to experience the same. Without a lot of knowledge on how uploading mods worked, I simply kept the variable in the esp file set to 0, and uploaded the mod. After complaints that the mod didn't work, I found out on the official Creation Kit Wikipedia that changing gameplay settings in the Creation Kit doesn't technically alter the plugin file, and won't be uploaded to the Steam Workshop. After finding a page on ini files, I learned that creating an ini file of the same name as the plugin file, in the Skyrim/Data folder, it would mean that it's automatically uploaded with the mod, and any changes made in the ini configuration file would take effect if the plugin of the same name is enabled. Knowing this, I created an ini file of the same name, and entered the following in the file: "fKillCamBaseOdds=0.000". A day after I updated the mod, i received another complaint in the comments section, saying the mod doesn't work. After asking, he ensured me that there is an ini file of the same name in the Skyrim directory, so I know the mod updated correctly.

As I said, I'm very new to modding, not just the Creation Kit, and I feel I've done this completely wrong. I hope this is enough information, and I hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance,


Also, if it's any help, my Steam name is MWilliamGoody2303. You can find the mod on my Steam Workshop page.

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:58 pm

I only use The Nexus for mods, so I can't take a look, but I did not know you can disable KillCams.

The first time it happened, I killed a bandit with an arrow - that was pretty cool, following the arrow in slow-mo and watching the bandit spurt blood and fall over. But they can be a pain and sometimes start running but the target doesn't actually die, like if they side-step a Fireball or something.

But if all it takes is a setting in Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini, do you actually need a mod for that?

Or have I misunderstood?


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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:14 am

It was mainly for the people that really don't understand, or want to delve into altering the game in any way, and just want to download mods. Also, many people don't want to bother to search the web for the specific command.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:22 pm

Well, making this information more public would be a great service, anyway.

But I am not sure I understand properly. Does it actually require an esp with a single changed setting? Or could it just be a line added to the ini files?

Or is the ini a separate file required for the esp to work, in addition to Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini?

Like, if I added


to my ini files, would it work?

Would it need to be in Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini?

Which section would it go under?

If that is all it takes, there's nothing wrong with releasing a mod called "No More Kill-Cams" that is just a text file that says:

; copy and paste this line into Skyrimwhatever.ini file in C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim under [THIS SECTION]


; do not modify any other ini files stored elsewhere as they are default backups and the modification will not work.

That should be pretty fool proof for novices. There are plenty of mods that have no esp, just dll or ini settings.


P.S. Might not be so good for Workshop users who do not even know how to sort their load order, though, let alone modify ini files...

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remi lasisi
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:03 am

Thanks, i could consider that.

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