Yesterday I installed MGE and Ive been having a blast so far with the wonderfull tools it has, but my favorite treat so far is the AA and graphic options, mu game has never looked better. But checking out some of the shaders like Bloom and HDR I recalled that there was another option for the lighting options for the game namely the Quadratic light option in the Morrowind INI, so digging up some old files, like Glassboys Lighting Tweaks I started fooling arround. I got a pretty decent look with the quadric lights option but now Im wondering if it was better to leave the default linear lighting and then use a MGE shader or if using Quadric lights (which apparently do give a FPS hit) and then use a MGE shader too. Perhaps MGE is the hi tech soultion for the lighting system in morrowind because its directly linked to the Graphics Card, and my Morrowind INI tweaks only tax my CPU?
Opinions welcome
PD Ive noticed that the regardless of the lighting method Ive used the lights seem to flicker too fast, is thee any way to modify this?