I am starting to hate Preston with a passion..
Just walk past him and get 15 more quests.. I want to put some of that duct tape over his mouth!!
Do his quests ever end??!!
They still don't trust me to play the game.. 
It's worse than Skyrim.. At this point I won't be buying anything else they ever make..
That's really sad..
I did find dog.. He was in a kennel behind another house..
Aitenshi1 : there are alcoves, not flat walls.
I also want prefabs with out poles on every corner.
I wish very easy mode was not hard with a different name.
It's not easy mode at all..Not at all..
It's "Easy? hahahahaha...You don't get easy!" that's what it is..
It seems as though I have to drop all junk on the ground in front of me and hover them up in build mode..
OMG!!! Really????
Drop every single thing from my inventory onto the ground.
Turn on Build mode with the reminder that happens EVERY single time.
Turn on hover and vacuum them all up..(scrap scrap scrap scrap scrap --ad nauseum)
There should be a "scrap all junk" button.
While Preston is walking past giving me 50 more quests to go do stuff where 100 raiders with flame throwers are killing me in five seconds.
And that is "very easy"...
NO it is NOT.
Why am I being FORCED to create settlements? Not everyone wants to play the sims in Fallout!
If I did want to, I want to be able to build the same way as I can there.
I will find a way to Kill Preston.. This I so swear.