I'd like being able to cripple limbs, but not have them fly off. :teehee: In an IGN vid someone posted of the trailer, they pointed out how enemies' heads snapped back with the force of a direct hit, so could that suggest that damage is locational?
No, that was a "finishing move". That's the reason the weapon got stuck, etc... That's not how a normal strike will work.
I was the apparently the first person to vote "I don't care" and that's because it's hard to do locational damage when the game gives you a simple standard attack and then 4 directional power attacks (forward, back, side, not moving). It's not like Fallout where you can pinpoint certain locations using your gun (or VATS, which won't be in Skyrim), so if there was limb damage and such it'd more than likely be random. I'm gonna say right now that it probably won't be in because of all of this. But I say I don't care cause if it is, I'm ok with that. Broken limbs, concussions, etc... made Fallout more intense in combat, especially with hardcoe mode in NV.