IMO, inns need to be more quiet, like they were in OB, with several rooms, a dining area, a kitchen, a small bar (like OB's) and a porch/deck with a canopy and outdoor tables and chairs.
Taverns should be more exciting. A place to go every Fredas evening. You should be able to hear the ambient lute playing, or other instruments, music from afar in the distance. They should consist of a couple large bars with bottles stocked in display cases behind and under the bar, entertainment about once a week, dancing, outhouses, porch and canopy, a kitchen with its own chef (very unlikely but cool idea), and a DC (Designated Carriage, lol).
I don't know, what do you guys think? I for one think they need to be different. I'm really looking forward to finding out if there will be a big difference between the two.