I like it. I'm curious to see with which type of environment this goes with (The Last Mariner).
I like it. I'm curious to see with which type of environment this goes with (The Last Mariner).
I sorta get a Final Fantasy 7 vibe from it.
But what I heard is cool.
Just now listened to The Last Mariner and it has a sad but beautiful, other-worldly vibe.
Don't suppose I can talk you into enabling downloading these pieces from SoundCloud?
Adding to that: Final Fantasy's main theme, Super Mario's, The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, and many other video game series.
I do believe Todd and Pete have said that was the point with Fallout 4 compared to Fallout 3.
Am I crazy for listening to the main theme of Fallout 4 for 30 minutes straight, So good.
I find it to be a nice contrast of both. The piano parts are very melancholy, while the song's high points are boisterous & full of optimism. It's the dichotomy of the game's atmosphere distilled into a piece of music. Perfect theme for Fallout 4.
Just listened to the theme. Awesome. Currently listening to The Last Mariner as I type this. Liking it so far. I'm totally getting a vibe that isn't really Fallout from it. Not sure what yet. Too bad that, once I play the game, this music will forever be tied to visuals I won't be able to shake when I hear it.
Love it, Both pieces set the tone really well. I also really liked the bit where they talked about going from Despair to Hope.
I need to stop listening. This is getting me so excited.
I really hope we get a separate soundtrack like how we did in Witcher 3.
At last, a little something new to tease us with ! Very rich sound to both these pieces. Although it's hardly enough of a sample to make a full determination of the ambient direction of the game, "The Last Mariner" does seem to take the tone of the game in a new direction. Still eerie and mysterious, but a bit more organic as well. Definitely hope the whole soundtrack can be obtained separately at some point once the game is released.
I can just imagine The Last Mariner playing as we slowly make our way through a large swamp (as per a few of the images in concept art)
I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the submarine in the concept art.
Very good point. At first, I thought this could be a general theme for underwater exploration, but if so, it would more than likely be when using a submersible or diving equipment rather than just holding our breath due to the length of the track. If it is used when underwater, this could be related to very deep exploration, such as the bottom of Boston Harbor.
It would have done bethesda much more good giving us real information about the game than thhat video
i bet some youtubbers now going to claim some new outrageous speculation because the fallout theme was played on that type of piano
I actually found the music to be very impre, bring on the YouTubbers!
Is "IMPRE" new Internet slang I've never heard of, or did you just not finish your CAPS LOCK sentence?
I think they did give real information. It wasn't just a video, but an article about the game's composer and his creative process when it came to making the score, as well as a few samples of his work. It was a behind the scenes look at part of the creative process of making a game, kind of like Todd Howard showing off the concept art gallery.
OH DEAR! The sequals main theme sounds like the original games's themes?!?! What will we ever do! This is tragedy!
lol what do you want? dubstep?
The last Mariner sounds very....Marine like lol I hope we are able to sail ships and/or go underwater diving/exploring!!!! That would be the [censored]!
... by jove, you're brilliant! So this means not only are playable in-game pianos confirmed, but the 4 Charisma perk will enable us to craft new mods onto our pianos! I'm going to mod my piano to have a scope and bayonet!
But in all seriousness. As a recording engineer, I'm really interested in knowing how exactly Zur got his piano to sound like that on the recording. It's... murky. Among all of the other words the blog post used to describe it. I really like it.
I am glad to see Inon Zur returning to produce music for Fallout 4. I really feel that his style has great synergy with the tone of Fallout. "How the West Was Lost" from New Vegas is a personal favorite of mine.