This would be a good option for $ 135 (but there is a problem *)
That's your Computer, right ???
* The problem is it has a 300 watt PSU only. The A8-4500 needs 65 Watt and the GTX 660 140 Watts.
However in a build you will come close to the 300 watt usage. See here: Estimated Wattage: 294 Watt)
This will never work in real life. !!! (That cheap 300 watt PSU's would never draw 300 Watt continuous power)
So, you forget your max skyrim settings, and either you buy another PSU (Power Supply) or choose another GPU (Graphics card)
This one should work fine. It doesn't need an extra 6-pin PCI-E cable from your PSU.
I need some specs from your PSU too: