During development and the long testing this issue never popped up, meaning it's not something that happen with ISOBL, I have a feeling it was something on your side that caused it.
Probably. It only happened the once, and never again too.
That's something that I'm sure is present in the readme, if only people would read it.
That it is.
But you probably know the old saying: "If at first you don't succeed, read the instructions."
I've never once had such an issue.
Really? It ALWAYS happens for me. But as it doesn't lose the data or anything, it's not important, just odd.
Not that it matters, but just to detail it increase you might be interested, here's what happens:
1. Open Insanity Oblivion Launcher
2. Select "Dircteories" and "Modding Tools."
3. This displays the Modding Tools window, with all the filepaths.
4. Close "Modding Tools."
5. Select "Dircteories" and "Modding Tools" again.
6. This time this displayes the Modding Tools window, but with all filepaths blank.
7. Close the entire Launcher
8. Select "Dircteories" and "Modding Tools."
9. This displays the Modding Tools window, with all the filepaths, once again.
Not sure if the folder naming is worth doing, the application takes the name directly from the folder, where as with the custom apps it takes the name from the EXE, so some might want to change that.
Oh sure, I got how it worked - and one can rename folders of course. It's just that sometimes people choose names for reasons other than good labels for buttons, and even the same name for different folders in different places.
And as you allude change is a bigger deal with filenames (for example I changed "LandMagic" to "Land Magic" - minor but reads better) and so I see why you added that there but not for the folders.
Just a question of mild interest. Thanks. (I often go for even the most minor little points on things that I like - all in the aim to possibly improve them further, I probably wouldn't have bothered on a 'lesser' program, one I cared about less. So in a way even my critiques are complements!)
Thanks, that bug was missed

And now that I have been using it a bit more (setting up a new game etc. - lots of starting and stopping etc.) I say again that I do like it. Thanks a lot for the update and the work that has gone into it.