Great info the whole way through...but pay attention to what he talks about right when they enter the second Dungeon.
Great info the whole way through...but pay attention to what he talks about right when they enter the second Dungeon.
Very cool. Nice to see this finally. I was hoping someone in the press would use their 15 mins to give a quality dungeon review. These dungeons are not easy. This group is very good and they are using synergies effectively.
Interesting to note that the tank is using at least a couple pieces of Light Armor too.
Yep, and I also noticed the archer was using heal.
Archer is a templar.
also if you notice they are actually blocking and such. Would love to have a group like this.
My buddy is planning on doing something similar to this too. We'll probably be duo-ing more than anything else.
Really enjoyed that video nice to see something positive instead of just negative reviews. I'm not saying any of the dungeons shown were ground breaking by any means but they look great as a way to try and test different group play styles and learn how to work the games systems in order to play together.
I tried the temp/archer out this weekend and i loved it, i was using duals before but i prefer the ranged now i think.. Something from the video though, i thought you had to use a resto staff to heal but it looked like the sorc was using the same staff for heals and damage or maybe i missed him swapping out. I tried to use a dmg ability with my resto staff equipped and it wouldn't work, so i was assuming u needed a dmg staff to do it.
They are not as easy as they made it look. Having a tight group like that was a huge plus but it is chaos in them specially with the spider one, there are spiders EVERYWHERE lol.
He was using the Staff "Skills" to heal, and using his Class "Skills" to DPS. Looks like it was working pretty well too.
Ok, i got ya, he was using a resto staff BUT with his class skills it didn't matter what he had equipped, ok i think i follow now.
This is one of the first dungeons you're given a quest to go into, so I'm glad they're not throwing too much of a challenge at us for our first group experience. From what I've heard, the bosses hit pretty hard and can take a lot of damage; that's more than a challenge for what will most likely be random grouping with strangers the first few times.
i liked how it explained the monsters mechanics/tactics
Great vid and should help to put some minds at ease when it comes to group content. I'd love to see a better party UI, but otherwise looks quite fun!
EDIT: This group looks like well played characters, which as a potential healer for group content myself, I cringe a little when it comes to randoms and conquering this content.
Sadly I haven't made it into a dungeon yet, I hope they speed up leveling to 10 somehow...the first 7-8-9 are meh.
edit: and REALLY hope they give us templates for the PvP testing.
That was a nice preview - I played in the stress-test beta but didnt get a chance to try out the dungeons. I do know from watching a fungal grotto video from a while back that this video skipped almost all the non-boss encounters.
I fully expect my first dungeon experiences in ESO to be brutal wipe-fests, especially at low levels since it will take players some time to learn how to function well in groups... simple things like blocking, interrupting, dodging, escaping, synergies, defensive abilities and resource management will surely come slow to some players.
Of course we have no idea how many times they wiped.What makes me think that is noticing the ultimate was swapped between dungeons.Interesting that all the youtube comments are not filled with the standard hate the other reviews are getting.
Fungal Cavern the (EP dungeon) looks very easy compared to the 1st two.
He was just using the default "white damage" staff attack which is a ranged ability that comes with every staff, including resto.
Of course this is only edited highlights. They don't show the deaths/wipes. Also interesting to see on the first boss of the second dungeon, the healer grabs aggro and runs away from the tank. A shame the rest of that fight isn't shown.