Hello: I am level 9 Spellsword, and decided to take on Shimmermist Caves. I was doing ok, after a few re-loads, and at at the apprentice level, until I got to beyond the grotto, where this Cylon (I think it was a Dwarven Centurion) came out of the shadows and used me on the green as a par 3. I think I got one shot in where I chipped his paint, and then next thing I know, I am hearing those speak to me at my eulogy. I have completed the gold claw quest, and I am supposed to meet someone (can't remember the name after getting my bell rung here) at the West Tower to look for a dragon outside of Whiterun. Any suggestions? Perhaps try later? If so, does the cave respawn? Not sure how many lives I have left! (And please try to be minimal with the spoilers.) Thank you!