Both take place in a "Wasteland"
Both have a scarcity of drinking water
Both of diabolical but buffoonish organizations attempting to rule: Water & Power, The Enclave
Both had Malcolm McDowell playing a fairly sinister lead: Kesslee, President Eden
Both main characters find themselves thrust into the Wasteland: Rebecca, Lone Wanderer
Both suffer from "Mutant Attacks": Rippers, Super Mutants
Both have leaders who are in some way "mechanized": Kesslee, Eden
Both main leads are captured and brutally interrogated
Both have references to purifying water: Ripper's Creator, James
Both have an organization which at one points fights to give water to everyone: Rippers. BOS
Both contain an ending in which water is returned the Wasteland.
So what do you think....did the creators of Fallout 3, grab some inspiration from Tank Girl?