I was wondering if anyone could help me with this, I want to install the following texture/mesh packs using OMOD but there is no documentation out there, and what is out there conflicts with each other by saying to install UOP first, but the PyFFI install guide says to install UOP after QTP3 but before PyFFI QTP3, and now im really confused, I believe this to be the correct order but if its not please tell me:
AWLS+C+QTP3 Meshes
QTP3 UOP Patch
Is AWLS in the right place or should that be latter, like after PyFFI QTP3? Or just after the QTP3 UOP patch? Will QTP3 over write AWLS? Do I overwrite when promted with QTP3:R, PyFFI QTP3 and QTP3 UOP ? Or do I disable UOP, then install QTP3:R, then re-enable UOP+QTP3 UOP then install PyFFI QTP3? Im using Wrye bash or manual install for pretty much everything else but I have OMOD versions for most of these, except QTP3:R but the author says to use OBMM and I feel more comfortable using OBMM for these large texture packs.