Now my game seems to be in utter confusing ruins ever since I installed Total Tamriel version 5 into my Oblivion Data folder , instaled the files, clicked yes when asked to override a file, and checked both .esp files in the data page and went to test out the mod! Now I go to uncheck both the mod's .esp files from my Oblivion data page and at least no strange solid land surfaces or floating meshes are appearing (as though I was walking on the original vanilla game terrain), but now I'm getting strange distant lod (both at a distant and really upclose to a point that my character can basically walk thru the distant lod) all over every single one of my Unique Landscapes mods and other land mods and am wanting to get rid of all the strange land lod and strange distant land lod that appears on my game with one single mod (not a whole series of mods)! So can someone link me a single mod or resource and not a whole series of them?