» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:34 am
It's a steaming PoS.
I would make a longer review, but TBH it doesn't deserve one.
My last Crytek Game. Sorry, but I wanted to support these guys for making "pc games" and they betrayed us.
Not anymore.
its interesting to see the sheep come out and defend this atrocity to pc gaming. You sheep know what you are? you're the lowest common denominator, the target audience, too ignorant to know any better. Go graze in crytek's console pasture.
Atrocity? Hey look, it's another melodramatic kid who's vindictive towards people that don't feel the same way as him! You don't even realize what you typed is wrong. The "target audience" being the lowest common denominator? Then they are also defaulted as "too ignorant?" You're one foolish person to misuse words so badly.
There's hardly any bugs in the game. The ones that exist aren't game shattering. They're just bugs with unlocks. The other ones all have workarounds and a sticky on the forum to tell you how to use them. Ignoring completely viable and useful information.. That's what ignorance is.
The lack of Dx11? That's on the way, if you weren't an immature kid you would have waited patiently for it. I still frown at the fact so many people were insulting Crytek for not including it. Not one of them realized that EA pushed them to release it this quarter asap. That's what ignorance is.
The singleplayer gameplay? You're playing the final chapter of New York's history. It's about to be destroyed and the world is next. Everything is explained if you aren't a dense idiot, you can follow it. It may be more linear than the previous Crysis but that's because you were in a jungle DISCOVERING the Ceph. Now you know the truth and you're fighting to take back the city and finish them off. Expecting the story to be your own and not the creators? That's what ignorance is. THEY wrote it, you can post your opinion WHY you don't like how it ended. It doesn't matter that they choose to end it that way, it's their story to tell. Not yours.
The hackers? What competitive, FUN, popular online FPS doesn't have cheating hackers? ALL of them do. Join a server with an admin. WOW! THAT'S SO HARD!
Don't tell me you dislike hotkeyed suit functions too?