"Institutionalized" bug

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:57 pm

I've searched far and wide, and I can't find any information about this particular glitch I'm experiencing. When Dr. Li gives me the courser chip to give me the capability of teleporting back and forth from the Institute, everyone in the Institute starts attacking me unprovoked. If I shoot back, it makes me an enemy of the Institute and fails a bunch of missions (and, oddly, starts a BOS mission). I've tried reloading from earlier points, and the same thing happens. I even tried skipping my interaction with Dr. Li altogether and just leaving the Institute via the elevator. When I fast travel back (which I probably shouldn't be able to do since I never accepted the chip), everyone attacks me again. Anyone else experiencing this? Anyone know a workaround?

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kirsty williams
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