My name is Lugg, and I'm a Nord barbarian! You heard me right! My arms are like trees and my legs are like slightly larger trees! I dare you to insult me! You won't live another day!
I can't count on my 8 fingers and 9 toes how many times I've seen one of those scaly frog people excrete some green slop from his pores after he's had a few meads in him. Those argonians clear their throat like they just gargled a bucket of dragon snot!
You high elves -- how many times have I seen you cry about someone wearing the same robe as him.
I'd bet my tooth that the next time I see a filthy Khajit dig a whole in the sand and squat over it like he's burying treasure, I'll just kill him. All I wanted was a nirnroot and I find myself cleaning poop from my boots for an hour! Yeah, fool, lick yer paws all you want, you're not clean!
You ugly Orcs -- you smell like seven hells! It's awful! I know yer not the strongest swimmers, but take off that hideous armor and jump in a lake! You smell like what that confounded Khajit just buried in the sand! You may have some muscle in yer arm, but you are dumber than a goblin fart! And stop trying to tell me you are not related to those infernal goblins either! A wizard once told me that a goblin had six with frost troll and 9 months later -- the very first orc squirted out. And I believe the wizard -- although he says he's master of illusion -- whatever that means...
Hey elves -- what is up with your tiny little hands and your beady little eyes. It's like tje Mad God shaved a squirrel and cut off his tale. And for the dark elves he just gave them albino eyes! Mice you are!
Bretons and Imperials -- I can't tell you how many times I had a few ales at the tavern and I start looking at a tiny Breton or Imperial woman's backside until they turn around and have beards! This one's a woodsman, that one's an assassin? Woof! You are either a very ugly woman or a pathetic weakling...
So pull up a seat at the Tavern and INSULT THE BARBARIAN! Otherwise -- no one will shut him up...