I came on this forum to find a solution to a progression-stopping bug that crashes my PS4 version of Fallout 4 on the quest "Rockets' Red Glare." Instead, I created an account to create a post to sum up my feelings after seeing zero support by Bethesda on its official forums. Having read through pages upon pages of the community's issues (which is more than Bethesda has done thus far), I am insulted by Bethesda's lack of communication. It is entirely possible that some support staff are reading through our grievances, but the lack of communication is what makes me sick. I have supported this company over the last eight years, and defended it rhetorically when friends and acquaintances criticized it. And I find myself beginning to regret doing that.
So yes, this is a cry for attention. That is exactly what this is. You, Bethesda and especially every one of your support staff, are neglecting your fans. When horrid, game-breaking problems make it through development, you should be telling us you are working on a patch or that you are aware of the problem, instead of giving us nothing but silence and frustration and indignation.
If anyone else feels this way, and I know for a fact they do, please feel free to comment with your own feelings regarding the matter.
Best of luck to everyone, I'll be playing Depth until the time that Bethesda patches the game, as I have no intention to progress further only to have to reload a save later.