This is the idea I stumbled upon while writing a post for
I love TR team work and always look forward with great anticipation for their new releases. It seems that now TR team are aiming for a more seamless integration of their mod and the original game. But, unfortunately, that won't happen soon. And for now the mainland doesn't feel connected to Vvardenfell at all, so my playing character doesn't have any reason to go and explore all this beautiful landmass. It is possible to travel there but, as I wrote in that thread, it feels forced: it doesn't let me to roleplay. It's not my char who's traveling to other parts of the same province, it's just me - the player - checking out a new huge landmass-adding mod.
So I decided to give players (and myself ) a reason to go to the mainland by moving some quest NPCs to the new landmasses added by TR. I would like to keep this future mod as simple as possible: just moving a NPC, changing a couple of related lines in dialog and updating journal entry, that's all. No major quest changes, no scripting, no illogical, immersion-breaking relocations.
The best candidates for moving to the mainland are, in my opinion, most of targets of Morag Tong writs, and I will start with them.
Ideally I'd prefer to give the player a reason to visit mainland at least once during each major questline.
I'd like to know your suggestions! Which NPCs can be easily moved to the mainland in your opinion? Perhaps, not only NPCs but some artifacts also, if so, then where shall I place them? What do you guys think?