[Relz] Integration: The Stranded Light

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:16 pm

You have to talk to her
at special times during the week. You may have to resort to stalking her for a couple days and talking to her whenever she does something specific or special. It gets harder and harder as the romance progresses. First part you just have to watch her daily routine in Merendin, then Merendin and the tower, then she starts visiting places around the town on certain days in the next stage
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:59 pm

Ok.. what is the last stage tough? Since im 34 , do i have lot more or ..?
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:51 pm

The Teshekru romance is not meant to be a quest, not meant to be rushed through. Saying how many stages there are would serve no purpose, especially since there are a lot of mutually exclusive stages (e.g. between 230 and 255 are several mess ups, but of course you can "achieve" only one mess up and then it's over. And you may not even mess up it at all).
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 am

Ok good to know :D .
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

Have a quick question. Changing something whit "Showracemenu" in console , like changing the race or your class , will affect your level/atributes/skill? I mean I'm level 16 and Expert in some , would changing the race , put me whit level 1 or not.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 am

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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:01 pm

Got it . ty.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm

bg, what's left to be done, besides bugfixes, before you can roll out a v1.0 release ?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 am

bg, what's left to be done, besides bugfixes, before you can roll out a v1.0 release ?
I'm interested about this too. :P

If bg decides to do some of the things I suggested you might see some new stuff... Off the top of my head I can remember:

buyable Stranded Light Reliquaries for vanilla homes. (All SL reliquaries have a connected inventory)
buyable miniature homebound Daedra pets? (think runt bomb, without the explodingness) >_>
blood bartering with Chandra
The thing mentioned a few pages back.

Hint for Link0o:
I think the current stage your at has weekday events and weekend events. So if you don't wantt o stalk her on weekdays at least stalk her on weekends

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm

I'm interested about this too. :P

If bg decides to do some of the things I suggested you might see some new stuff... Off the top of my head I can remember:

buyable Stranded Light Reliquaries for vanilla homes. (All SL reliquaries have a connected inventory)
buyable miniature homebound Daedra pets? (think runt bomb, without the explodingness) >_>
Sounds pretty interesting :D I've been holding off playing the mod so far, waiting for the final release. Hope His Highness finds time to get it out soon.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:24 pm

bg, what's left to be done, besides bugfixes, before you can roll out a v1.0 release ?
Except a few wayward typos I haven't seen anything that would require my immediate attention. In fact since August 24 I haven't started the construction set again. Now it's my turn to have some playing time ;).

I have a couple of ideas, and a couple of suggestions (as phoenix1213 listed), which I will test and if they work include later. When exactly "later" is I cannot say yet. I wouldn't hold my breath. Especially since one idea requires something that won't be finished for at least another month - may even take the rest of this year. Don't know, can't say.

I've been holding off playing the mod so far, waiting for the final release.
The current version is a final version. There is no definite the final version, as long as I don't abandon a mod ;). Tweaking is always nice. Currently all loose threads I'm aware of are finished, the mod is massive and ripe with quests and features. Play it now :).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:29 am

Yeah, most added stuff will probably be accessible if you've already completed the mod... there likely won't be some: "totally awesome scripted scene added to quest 3" type thing since the mod is a "final". Anything new will likey be available from a certain point in the quest-line(s) and remain available on into infinity! (
provided you don't get kicked out of the guild
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 am

It would be sooo freakin cool if the storyline continued or something , not just tweaking and little things. :( First i wanted to see if other big quest mods are as good as this one , and after a few hours playing one of them i was dissapointed.In my opinion this mod is at another level , and it should be continued or at least think about it. :D
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:50 am

Actually, if it were to be expanded upon, I think I'd be more interested in adding to the "miscellanous quests" part of the mod than pushing forward in the "Stranded Light" questline. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Mir Corrup's quests are sort of "end-game" events, like is the Romance: continuing this questline after these stages would make it excessively huge, and the player wouldn't have anything else left to do in the game by that point. On the other hand, more "undirectly related quests" like Go North, Ma'Meria's painting... would be less problematic (timeline-wise) and could help 'integrating' MC even more in the vanilla world.

Hum. Not making much sense there, mostly posting for the sake of the conversation ;) .
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 am

Well ,
Finally "Spirit Mate" whit Tesh , and got a lovely chat whit Kara , so she told me that Quurunae has a diary note , and in a couple of days she will find it ... well it past more than a week in game , and neither Kara , or Quuru has either the topic or the diary.
... should i wait more or something that I screw up ? =d

Nevermind .. it always happends this way. I come her for a hand or two , and now kara just gave me the thing. =d
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 am

You can wait a while longer(I'm not really sure how long, because as I recall for me
the Kara saying she had a journal was one beta, and Kara actually being able to give the journal was another beta....So I kind of missed any waiting
), but while your at it....
Continue to talk to Tesh and try to get new "My Spirit mate..." responses. You need a certain number of them for Kara to give you the letter

As for the continuing, I don't know how that'd be possible without introducing a new Antagonist, and I get the feeling eventually it might forced into being one of the generic "Hero saves the world!" stories. The only significant progressions I could see would be:

A group of Daedra haters gather together and form a guild devoted to trying to remove all Daedra from Nirn; The Stranded Light being a primary target.*
They could make small skirmishes on certain outposts, and causing trouble abroad while the Stranded Light is stuck being bound by poltics and fear of all out war with humans.... This goes on for a while until they get permission from The Elder council to fight back against the racist fanatics, along with some mortal support so it wouldn't seem like another Daedra invasion to the public. Could still keep a wide variety of quest types too:
Diplomacy/make peace quest(s), defend quests, hold back some of the more violent Daedra from trying to all out slaughter the attackers(which would just fuel their propaganda), destroying propaganda, polling public opinion, raising public opinion, etc. So yeah.... kind of like an immersive civil war type thing


Slowly having Daedra, and Ohmes/Ohmes-raht pop up in cities and around Cyrodiil** as a whole. Certain RBP plugins already cover hostile leveled list NPCs, but besides the few outposts and Mir Corrup Cyrodiil is still pretty devoid of Friendly Daedra, and the newly legal races. I could see it being more of a gameplay/immersion thing than a quest thing. Like once every month someone new might feel comfortable enough to show up publicly in Cyrodiil. Of course adding houses would be a bit much, and then you have a "Daedra worshipper" situation of "Don't they have houses? How can they just sit at a shrine all their lives?"

* As for why they'd be attacking the SL after all the good deeds they've done, you could probably blame that on fear, anger, or just plain ignorance. The assumption could very well be that most of the members of this group lost someone during Dagon's invasion and now they're being manipulated by some hateful mastermind... perhaps a fanatical priest or knight of the Aedra.

**Not just cities, or outpost, but a wide range of locations. Similar to how the LAME/FCOMaddition plugins add generic new races all over. Except at a much, much smaller and slower scale

I'm probably too tired to be making sense, and it took me so long to write this that Link0o already figured it out, so I'm just gonna quit before I end up rambling further. Like bleral I'm mostly posting for the sake of the conversation
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 am

Hehe its OK. I'm just saying that this mod is too good to end , or I don't really know what I'm trying to say but I enjoy playing this mod more than the MQ of Oblivion , simply because you have more action/consequences based quests that don't affect only your character but other NPCs etc. It would really be a great thing seeing this mod get the attention it deservers and maybe , just maybe , if would be a continuing story/quest or something simillar would be incredible.For me this is my nr.1 mod , and i think for some other people too... Brilliant job , and a /clap for all the team and bg2408 and phoenix1213 <3. Hope for the best for you. ;)

QuickEdit. :D
"Questionable Painting?" I got all except the Mnemoli Dust , which ofcourse shoud be in KnifePointHollow... but;i've search every inch of that place,every body , urn , coffre , box. Im out of ideas. Dyus dosen't have the topic to ask him ...
is there someting i missed?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 am

The current version is a final version. There is no definite the final version, as long as I don't abandon a mod ;) . Tweaking is always nice. Currently all loose threads I'm aware of are finished, the mod is massive and ripe with quests and features. Play it now :) .
Good enough for me :)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:18 pm

I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy / have enjoyed Integration, and like to have a continuation. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :).

My thoughts:
- the story regarding the guild "Stranded Light" is finished. I don't see how it should (or could) continue. Especially since I won't include another situation like the RK vs. DW plot.
- a major problem: People absolutely hate episodic development. As Integration already was a massive mod, more than 30 quests and an enormous amount of playing time, I could count all players with my fingers. Take ShadeMe in this thread: Even the possibility of future development made him to not play the mod. During the time Integration was developed and released in episodes, a few exceptions aside, I only heard "I may play it when it's finished!"
- I can't just add stuff to the cities as much as I would like to, simply because of Better Cities and the Open Cities compatibility patch. While I plan to add a few more NPCs to the cities (possibly even with associated quests), they would all need to belong to guilds. I will wait with that until a certain something is finished. This is definitely on my "to do" list, but it can take some time.
- what bugs me more than a bit is Shivering Isles, also known as "the guildless place". How to solve it however eludes me. I'd like to create another medium sized guild (nothing as big as the Stranded Light though), but "how" and "what" I'm not so sure about. Especially since I'd like to do more on the isles, but logic wise the isles are a headache (what when you've finished the SI mainquest? Would it still make sense?).
- I also fear that I could overdo something. Just look at Vanilla: It has a few really great quests, but others are lackluster at best. Take the Mages Guild - few and rare exceptions aside you're just running around smacking stuff as if you were in the Fighters Guild. Really magic or research oriented tasks are few and far between. If I do another guild, imho it shouldn't be quest wise a copy of what I already done, or of Vanilla. Which makes it kind of hard ;).

In short: I consider the current version a final version. I've got plans for more, but how and if they will come to be, I can't make any promises :(. And simply because of the very large "I won't play any mod being in episodic development" crowd I won't announce another episode - if additions come, they come.

QuickEdit. :D
"Questionable Painting?" I got all except the Mnemoli Dust , which ofcourse shoud be in KnifePointHollow... but;i've search every inch of that place,every body , urn , coffre , box. Im out of ideas. Dyus dosen't have the topic to ask him ...
is there someting i missed?
Should be in there somewhere. It's kind of easy to overlook - look in one of the dead ends, where there is roots and other plantly stuff around.

Or if you have solved the "Sever the link" quest peacefully, Keneriel may also be able to help.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:43 pm

I have to small questions. :D

1.In Ocean's I Noticed 2 chests - Weapons & Knwoledge, but they both require keys. Are the keys somewhere inside or do i have to finish a quest or something.
2.Paintings from Kaanae or w/e her name is , in Merendin. That quest ever ends? Bcz i don't think that more new paintings are ,
simply because in every inn house etc
. i checked and no new "Topic - Painting".

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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:52 pm

I have to small questions. :D
I have two small answers :twirl:.

1.In Ocean's I Noticed 2 chests - Weapons & Knwoledge, but they both require keys. Are the keys somewhere inside or do i have to finish a quest or something.

They're merchant containers and not for looting. (Instead of hiding merchant containers outside of your view, I simply lock them.)

2.Paintings from Kaanae or w/e her name is , in Merendin. That quest ever ends? Bcz i don't think that more new paintings are ,
simply because in every inn house etc
. i checked and no new "Topic - Painting".

The painting quest unlocks two options:
- Allows you to buy paintings from a certain Maormer.
- Allows you to decorate Merendin with paintings.
The quest is marked as "complete" the moment you get it, but there are a few more journal entries (like the one about decorating Merendin. This option will appear under the "painting" topic list once you've found all.)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:28 pm

Oh ok. =D Thank you
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

- a major problem: People absolutely hate episodic development. As Integration already was a massive mod, more than 30 quests and an enormous amount of playing time, I could count all players with my fingers. Take ShadeMe in this thread: Even the possibility of future development made him to not play the mod. During the time Integration was developed and released in episodes, a few exceptions aside, I only heard "I may play it when it's finished!"
A clarification seems necessary. I have nothing against episodic development. The only reason I waited for the final version is that I didn't want to constantly download the mod package after every bugfix release. Besides, I don't play Oblivion. The fact that STL has got me trying to deviate from that stance is a notable merit by itself. If you recall, I made an appearance after every major update claiming that I was going to play it. And when I actually resolved to do so (a few days/weeks later), I would find that an update had popped up in the meantime. That then became a perfect excuse to procrastinate and had me saying "Let me wait until he's got a stable build out".

The truth of the matter is that I've had Integration sitting in my LO for about 4 months now, give or take. I'd actually added it after a reinstall, hoping it would be incentive enough to play. And my total playtime till this date remains to be an hour and half. Blame mod making for most part. Laziness for the rest :D

Now, ... did I just talk for my side of the argument or against it ? I have a feeling that I may have contradicted myself along the way
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 am

Besides, I don't play Oblivion. The fact that STL has got me trying to deviate from that stance is a notable merit by itself.

For whatever it's worth, this mod makes the game worth playing again. It just :rock:s
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

Does this work when using Open Beter Cities? Or will I need a patch?
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