I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy / have enjoyed Integration, and like to have a continuation. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

My thoughts:
- the story regarding the guild "Stranded Light" is finished. I don't see how it should (or could) continue. Especially since I won't include another situation like the RK vs. DW plot.
- a major problem: People absolutely hate episodic development. As Integration already was a massive mod, more than 30 quests and an enormous amount of playing time, I could count all players with my fingers. Take ShadeMe in this thread: Even the possibility of future development made him to not play the mod. During the time Integration was developed and released in episodes, a few exceptions aside, I only heard "I may play it when it's finished!"
- I can't just add stuff to the cities as much as I would like to, simply because of Better Cities and the Open Cities compatibility patch. While I plan to add a few more NPCs to the cities (possibly even with associated quests), they would all need to belong to guilds. I will wait with that until a certain something is finished. This is definitely on my "to do" list, but it can take some time.
- what bugs me more than a bit is Shivering Isles, also known as "the guildless place". How to solve it however eludes me. I'd like to create another medium sized guild (nothing as big as the Stranded Light though), but "how" and "what" I'm not so sure about. Especially since I'd like to do more on the isles, but logic wise the isles are a headache (what when you've finished the SI mainquest? Would it still make sense?).
- I also fear that I could overdo something. Just look at Vanilla: It has a few really great quests, but others are lackluster at best. Take the Mages Guild - few and rare exceptions aside you're just running around smacking stuff as if you were in the Fighters Guild. Really magic or research oriented tasks are few and far between. If I do another guild, imho it shouldn't be quest wise a copy of what I already done, or of Vanilla. Which makes it kind of hard

In short: I consider the current version
a final version. I've got plans for more, but how and if they will come to be, I can't make any promises

. And simply because of the very large "I won't play any mod being in episodic development" crowd I won't announce another episode - if additions come, they come.

Spoiler "Questionable Painting?" I got all except the Mnemoli Dust , which ofcourse shoud be in KnifePointHollow... but;i've search every inch of that place,every body , urn , coffre , box. Im out of ideas. Dyus dosen't have the topic to ask him ...
is there someting i missed?
Should be in there somewhere. It's kind of easy to overlook - look in one of the dead ends, where there is roots and other plantly stuff around.
Or if you have solved the "Sever the link" quest peacefully, Keneriel may also be able to help.