[Relz] Integration: The Stranded Light

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 am

http://www.exnemsims.com/oblivion/FemaleEyeCandy/BodyReplacer/MysticElves/Female%20EyeCandy%20-%20Mystic%20Elves%20Conversion%201.0.zip - that's the complete Mystic Elves texture set for exnem (default done by exnem). This also includes the not tattoed version, which is left out by RBP (simply because RBP doesn't feature any non tattoed version ;)).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 am

http://www.exnemsims.com/oblivion/FemaleEyeCandy/BodyReplacer/MysticElves/Female%20EyeCandy%20-%20Mystic%20Elves%20Conversion%201.0.zip - that's the complete Mystic Elves texture set for exnem (default done by exnem). This also includes the not tattoed version, which is left out by RBP (simply because RBP doesn't feature any non tattoed version ;)).

You sir are my new hero!:D

Don't know how, don't know why, but these are working perfectly for both Hidden/Mystic Elves and the Wolf one too. Thank you, for the beautiful mods and for the help. :)
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:39 am

I've got a small question. Since Turu and Tesh can bite like Vampires ? ... well I changed my class from an elf to a Seducer and I can't bit :( and yes I did "startquest bgbupdate". Anything I'm missing? Thanx
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His Bella
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 am

I am sorry if this has been asked before (also didn't really wanna search through forums given this is thread 8), but I just downloaded Integration: The Stranded Light, and the first thing I noticed was several of the new NPCS were bald as well as faceless; specifically the Xivilai. So I am wondering, did I do something wrong? I am using both LAME and RBP and for the life of me I cannot figure out why hairs and faces are missing. Anyone know what's up?
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

Sounds like you didn't install RBP's resource files, or installed them incorrectly. Make sure you downloaded and installed both archives: there's one for the data files (.esp), another one for all the meshes/textures/(sounds......).
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 am

I've got a small question. Since Turu and Tesh can bite like Vampires ? ... well I changed my class from an elf to a Seducer and I can't bit :( and yes I did "startquest bgbupdate". Anything I'm missing? Thanx
Do you mean a spell, or actual biting, like vampires do?

Either way this falls under the eternal dispute of: Lore VS. Gameplay VS. Technical/time restraints

Lore is what the story defines, but story doesn't always work well with gameplay and balance. I see this all the time on Starcraft forums "Why don't the Terrans/Protoss just nuke Char?" "Why are battle cruisers only as big as 5 marines?", etc.

Gameplay is what you can do in the game. Some Daedra Seducers can fly and change their shape to impersonate people, but these are unbalancing so it's explained as the player being weak and unable to do these things. There's also gameplay that is touchy, or unrelated to the primary gameplay mechanics.... For instance Kara says something along the lines of: "At least you aren't out having six and [censored] everything that crosses your path like the rest of your race" My Daedra Seducer kind of wanted to scream: "It's not that I don't want to, it's that the gameplay won't permit me!".... but having detailed six gameplay mechanic would be risky and not really fit in with the rest of the gameplay/world.

Technical/time restraints is the limits the game engine has, or what the programmers/modders are willing to devote their time on. Bg could devote a lot of time to trying to make a unique vampirism gameplay mechanic for Seducers, and/or unique gameplay mechanics for other races, but it would take forever, probably be halted several times by technical restraints, and in the end likely be scrapped because it's not worth the effort, or not possible.

I suppose a "Seducer's Kiss" spell might make sense, but beyond that...
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 am

Sounds like you didn't install RBP's resource files, or installed them incorrectly. Make sure you downloaded and installed both archives: there's one for the data files (.esp), another one for all the meshes/textures/(sounds......).

Yup, you were right. Forgot to unzip the resources. Thank you Bleral, that solved it. ^^
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

Yes pheonix I understand that. But I just asked , does my seducer have fangs? xD!And really after Turu bite me ( as an elf ) she turned me into a vamp cuz i bit her afterwards.Now i was thinking if she could do that , and the 3 or 4 seducers i've met ingame , i saw that have fangs , well i tought i was going to have fangs and bite the sh1t outa them. xD That was my question. :D Thanks anyway. ;)

""Additional Abilities: Can use "forms", which enhance some aspects, while lowering others. Example given Mage Form gives additional Magicka and a higher Intelligence and Willpower, but lowers Strength, Agility, Endurance and Speed, also gives Weakness to Weapon 10. Enabling a form comes with a short drawback. Using it in combat is likely to knock you out.
Toggle: Featherfall (while active doesn't take falling damage)
Toggle: Daedric Leap (requires that Featherfall is active)
Toggle: Wings (only a visual effect, cancels Featherfall)
Power: Absorb Health, Magicka and Fatigue 10 / 5 sec, chance to knock enemies down, nova
Power: Fire Damage 5 / 10 sec, Soultrap 15 sec, Weakness to Fire 25 / 30 sec, Drain Health 25 / 10 sec, Disintegrate Weapon & Armor 25, nova
Endurance: Strong""

And this things , I don't have any.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:11 am

The update command of RBP (again this doesn't belong in this thread, but oh well...) is there to update existing characters. It's not intended to switch races, though it can be used for most cases. That's why you don't get these powers. Give me a few hours, I try to update the script accordingly.

//edit: See RBP's thread, new version released.

PS: Daedra Seducers by default have fangs.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 am

Yes pheonix I understand that....
Don't mind me, I just like to ramble. I think one of the optional plugins in RBP gives Seducers, Golden saints, and such visable fangs.

As for the update command... it worked for me most of the time when I switched races. Try doing it several times:
startquest bgbupdate
*wait 30 seconds*
Startquest bgbupdate
*Wait 30 seconds*
Startquest bgbupdate

Or just http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=215.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 am

Danke , I'll get the update. :P

Quick Edit. I can't seem to find Olava the Fair for the Debt Collector Part II . It's not in the Chapel , or in the great hall. I don't remember if shes dead or something xD! Any suggestions?
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

Same problem with Olava for me also. Doesn't seem to be anywhere.

With 'Finding the Grave' I never did find that as well. bg2408 said,as a clue, it was
a vanilla Oblivion npc who gets their own grave in the game
but I could swear I've been round every one.Another clue was
a painting of Sanguine that's different. There's one with an undecipherable Daedric message on it in the Anvil mage guild
but I doubt it's that. Can't seem to recognize
Velerya in any of the paintings either
must be my eyesight lol. I just updated to the latest version, btw.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 am

If you have Knights of the Nine she gets disabled after a certain point in the storyline. Just talk to Tanaark again and you'll tell him shes dead. you might also want to set the stage for the next quest because there's like 5 or 10 level penalty for her being "dead."

First try: addtopic bgSQ4Debts4TessStash1 , and then talk to Tanaark

If that doesn't work do: Setstage bgsq4debts 35 to get the next quest. Here is what he says:

Ever heard of a Golden Saint named "Tesserayiel"? Well, she's got a debt to repay. One to Sheogorath.
Player: "
Tesserayiel's Debt
Tanaark: "
It is beyond my knowledge what happened between her and Sheogorath. Why and how she got her "Stranded Light" idea. Yet Sheogorath sponsored it with some goods. Under the premise that she's going to use the gifts against any influence of Jyggalag in this world. Tesserayiel has chosen Cyrodiil as centerpoint of her operations, while Jyggalag's influence is biggest on the Summerset Isles. Therefore some of the goods she got from Sheogorath are to be taken back. Her secret stash lies in Mundus, but near the Shivering Isles. Find it. Retrieve the gold and the Golden Saint and Dark Seducer weapons and armors.

After the first setstage command use the following command only if
you are Sheogorath and you decide that she can keep it
Setstage bgsq4debts 39

The grave: In the
"Red Navel" as well as "Behind the Curtain", and other places like the Mir Corrup SL outpost you should find certain paintings.... anyone look familiar
? If for some reason you can't find them...
look for a crumpled paper somewhere in the Red Navel
. If you talk to people,
either about the quest or about the specific paintings
they may gave hints too. Hell there's even
a Black horse courier that gives a huge hint
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:34 pm

Forgot to add: Nareyla's
diary - Is it supposed to be in the cellar in Bliss cos if it is it's not there.

The Grave: Been a while since I got
the replies from npc's & I guess I've forgotten them all. I tried some of the Black Horse couriers. Is it a conversation topic or a newsletter cos nothing seemed obvious, or is it a Stranded Light Courier?
bg2408 indicated earlier that
the crumpled paper was a 'who' clue but I can't
tell who from it.
Is it in a mountainous location? Is that Velerya in one of the half finished paintings with a wall & corner turret in it?
Boy I must be staring too hard here! Wonder if there's any way to rediscover some of the
previous npc responses
to this? Bet I'll kick myself with this one.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 am

You know.... the dremora lady gives you a introduction to the Daedric alphabet. if you havea lot of time you might be able to use that to decipher the message. :lol: Oops, wrong quest.

The Courier:
It is a Stranded Light Black horse courier, and you should be able to find it in Mir Corrup
The paintings:
There are only two paintings that contain a Daedra Seducer and a mortal together
Hints from people:
Basically just that Velerya was an ambassador for Sanguine and was involved with important individuals
The person hint 1:
This person tells you they were involved with Daedra
Person hint 2:
You have something to do with their death whether you intended it or not
Person hint 3:
The person in the paintings is wearing monk robes. "Do you need a 'monk'?"
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

Quick Edit. I can't seem to find Olava the Fair for the Debt Collector Part II . It's not in the Chapel , or in the great hall. I don't remember if shes dead or something xD! Any suggestions?
This was answered over PM, so just for the record:

If you have questions, do not edit them in after a couple of hours. I will not see them, then.

The Courier:
It is a Stranded Light Black horse courier, and you should be able to find it in Mir Corrup
The paintings:
There are only two paintings that contain a Daedra Seducer and a mortal together
Hints from people:
Basically just that Velerya was an ambassador for Sanguine and was involved with important individuals
The person hint 1:
This person tells you they were involved with Daedra
Person hint 2:
You have something to do with their death whether you intended it or not
Person hint 3:
The person in the paintings is wearing monk robes. "Do you need a 'monk'?"

To be fair, the Courier only appears after one of the two possible quests. Also one of the three paintings you're thinking about also appears only afterwards.

About the paintings before the quest:
There's one painting showing only Velerya, which only appears in very meaningful places. Then there's the thing you can see in the crumbled paper. Especially what Tandruzuk [Zerreshju's Last Parcel quest] has to say about it should make it obvious, when you're not able to find out who he is by the picture yourself. ;)

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 am

Well, I'll maybe part kick myself here,if there's such a thing. When I read the people hints, without thinking of anything else, I was pretty much there
(been a few years since I did the MQ but something just twigged).
What was stumping me was the idea that I had to
find an actual grave i.e. a tombstone - as in Applewatch - or perhaps a sarcophagus, so I was fixated on that.
Phew that took weeks lol.

Any info re my question about Nareyla's
diary? Is is meant to be found in the underground room in Bliss?
What can be done if it's not there?

Thanx for the help,btw...
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:35 am

Any info re my question about Nareyla's
diary? Is is meant to be found in the underground room in Bliss?
What can be done if it's not there?

Thanx for the help,btw...
Oh, yeah now I remember... it's somewhat hidden, I
think it's on one of the pillars and you have to jump to get it
. I would have answered the first time but I couldn't remember where it was.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 am

I am SOOOOO glad that I began working on Integration last year around this time, and not this year.

Why? Well. I made a mistake and erased nearly all of my saved games, which is to say all from any characters made between 2006 and 2009. Though while they're lost now, and I'm at the same time both sad and embarrased about feeling sad about it, at least in their own way many of those characters will live on - and while never again as player characters, so at least as NPCs in Integration: TSL.

Phew that took weeks lol.
Oops. Sorry :ahhh:.

Any info re my question about Nareyla's
diary? Is is meant to be found in the underground room in Bliss?
What can be done if it's not there?
It should be there, but it is quite hidden.
It lies on a corner on one of the pillars, the one "behind" the bed.

However, if it's not there, you've got four possible solitions.

1. player.placeatme ##08E24A 1 256 1


2. Open the console, then first...
PRID ##08E24B

followed by

moveto player


3. player.moveto ##08E24B (not recommended!)


4. player.additem ##08E24A 1 (bypasses the actual challenge of the quest, so not recommended)
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:48 am

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Oeh, I like sneaky things! :hehe: But um, what exactly am I looking at? :P
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am


I need a little help with the In Memoram quest, at the part, where you have to find the 2 rose pieces. If I get it correctly, the Crucible rose is somewhere on top of the inn, where the dueling is going on. But I've already searched the roof of the inn, and the nearby roofs too, and no luck finding the box. Not much luck with the Bliss rose either, I looked around the bedroll in the city, the inn's rooms too, but nothing... Asked the citizens too, but none of them had a topic about the rose, soo at least a hint would be nice. :hehe: I'll never sleep with a daedra seducer again... <_<
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 am

Oeh, I like sneaky things! :hehe: But um, what exactly am I looking at? :P
A picture :twirl: ! (Well, two pictures actually...)


Well, there are several different ways to solve the quest. If you can't find the pieces, think about who else may know how to heal your characters (there are at least four other people, and that's only counting those who came to my mind immediately). They require either other tasks, or no tasks at all.

If you're looking for the rose pieces, know that you're looking for small chests. They weren't put into the world but in containers, to prevent having them fall through the floor or other quest stoppers ;).
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

A picture :twirl: ! (Well, two pictures actually...)
Um yea, I kinda figured that out already. :lmao:
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 am

Thanks, in the meanwhile, I got the potion from the xivilai in Merendin. (Sorry, can't remember her name right now.) Now I just have to go heal myself, and get back my stuff from Swampgas Hole. It will be difficult with a zealot robe and an iron longsword... :mellow:
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