[Relz] Integration: The Stranded Light

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

Um yea, I kinda figured that out already. :lmao:

It's a
n island
The Shivering Isles
, which
contains a guild
epitomizes an aspect of the isles
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 am

Um yea, I kinda figured that out already. :lmao:
Well, it wouldn't be sneaky if I tell everything, would it :D?

Let's just say there's still something coming. I can't say when, I can't say what, I can only say that it's not related to anything currently available in Integration. And it aims to fill a hole the Vanilla game has left us with. Well, likely it won't do so completely, but it's a first step :twirl:.

It will be difficult with a zealot robe and an iron longsword... :mellow:
Good luck! I've heard invisibility spells / potions / scrolls can help a lot ;).

It's a
n island
The Shivering Isles
, which
contains a guild
epitomizes an aspect of the isles


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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 am

Can anyone please tell me where to go for Daedroth's best Friend, east of bruma is many places. i have serched all the way to the N in jerral mountians.
Anf the damm riddle in Delivery Service, i dont get it
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 am

Lost Child -
Managed to find him without too much trouble, but can I convince him to go back to his family? Not a chance! He won't believe me when I tell the truth about his mother, mocks me if I'm daft enough to pick the Conjuration route, as I'm reasonably high in that skill, and generally pours scorn over whatever I say. I did ponder murdering the innkeeper, Dredwen? (I've forgotten her name - it has been a few days since I've had time to play!), but that is totally against what my character would do so isn't really an option! Any tips for convincing him in other ways, as I'm struggling for other ideas that may help change his mind, or shall I just know when I'm beaten and report back that he is staying put?
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:51 am

Lost Child -
Managed to find him without too much trouble, but can I convince him to go back to his family? Not a chance! He won't believe me when I tell the truth about his mother, mocks me if I'm daft enough to pick the Conjuration route, as I'm reasonably high in that skill, and generally pours scorn over whatever I say. I did ponder murdering the innkeeper, Dredwen? (I've forgotten her name - it has been a few days since I've had time to play!), but that is totally against what my character would do so isn't really an option! Any tips for convincing him in other ways, as I'm struggling for other ideas that may help change his mind, or shall I just know when I'm beaten and report back that he is staying put?

I don't exactly remember all the options, but I know it can be pretty hard or impossible depending on your skills. Conjuration being the most important, probably. I had convinced him with a rather high-level, pure mage character, on my first playthrough; then with my current character, I just failed, and I don't think I had any chance. My advice would be, live with the failure, it's not dramatic. (BTW, the possibility for (some) quests to be failed is another thing I love in Integration, something that should have been in many vanilla quests to begin with, and that I'd love to see in more quest mods...)
No usefull ideas/hints come to my mind, but you might want to try asking around for advices in Merendin. Unless you have an opportunity to become Sheogorath soon enough, then I guess you'd have a very solid argument to force the boy out of the SI...?
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 am

Thanks, Bleral! Yep, I've got no problem with failing it really (I too like the fact that some quests can be failed, leading to a different outcome), was more curious to see if there was some sneaky, super-intelligent way to convince him that was beyond the capacity of my brain cells. Think my character is definitely not upto the task. :)
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 am


A place in the shivering isles in mania? what about it?
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:23 pm

A place in the shivering isles in mania? what about it?
It- :prod: ...Never mind.
Can anyone please tell me where to go for Daedroth's best Friend, east of bruma is many places. i have serched all the way to the N in jerral mountians.
Anf the damm riddle in Delivery Service, i dont get it
You're looking for
a small ridge slightly north east of Knoll peak
or whatever it's called. You might see smoke coming from a camp site.

As for the riddle....There's this http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=996534&view=findpost&p=14463255
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:49 am

Pheonix thx for the tip, but that post about the riddle dont help me much, i allready knew the first and second part, the brothers and queen of roses.
can i get another hint?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

Pheonix thx for the tip, but that post about the riddle dont help me much, i allready knew the first and second part, the brothers and queen of roses.
can i get another hint?
Sorry that's the best I can do. I'm not very good at riddles and I accidentally completed the quest the "wrong way", never finding the drop point.

bg will be gone for a few days due to medical issues, but maybe when he's back he'll give you some hints.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 am

bg will be gone for a few days due to medical issues, but maybe when he's back he'll give you some hints.

I have around four minutes left, then I have to go. Sooo, in short:

- Lost Child: Remember to pick only stuff you can win! Example given telling him there's no other of his kind works if Dredhwen is dead (she dies during a part of the SI mainquest, or can have an accident before), but won't if she's alive. Telling him about dangers works if you know about Knights of Orders, but won't, if you don't know. Some dialog options have also skill checks, but they're just some of many. As written in the spoiler file: Try to avoid topics you can only lose. You just need to have more right than wrong at the end.

- Daedroth's Best friend: Speaking to the quest giver again should give you a map.

- Delivery Service: No time left, sorry. What I can say is chances are good that the guess about the brothers may be wrong if you haven't found it. As for the wintery stuff, just think about what's *the* archetypical winter weather, and what's left when it disappears. (Uhm, sorry for writing confusing, I'm not really in the best condition. And I fear it will only get worse from now.)

PS: Sorry for don't answering any PMs, no time left. Got to go now :cold:.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am

When I last played oblivion I suggested doing something for Mir Corrup for the "Aid For Bruma" quest. Was something done in that direction? if so, who do I talk to?

EDIT: Nevermind lol. Can't say i'm too impressed with the outcome though. gives me an alternate idea though. see below though.

New question: is there a faster way to start the tesh's bond miniquests? instead of having to talk to her, wait 24 hours, and HOPE she has something new?
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm

(@Ryalasin: no idea, sorry. Obviously it's not designed to be played "fast", but I guess for testing purposes there may be some 'queststages' commands - but I can't help with that)

I was just thinking, there's no reason Bg's posting a sneak teaser peek, and I didn't!? Come on, http://v.lesimple.free.fr/vrac/Oblivion/images/0909_Appetite_C.jpg.... First person able to recognize who the hell this is, wins... actually, nothing, but my thankfullness :bigsmile:
(No worries, though: this is rather ugly, I know, but still very much a WIP... I sweared I wouldn't try again painting in colours, but somehow I have to try again every once in a while. And regret it, usually. We'll see....)
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

(@Ryalasin: no idea, sorry. Obviously it's not designed to be played "fast", but I guess for testing purposes there may be some 'queststages' commands - but I can't help with that)

I was just thinking, there's no reason Bg's posting a sneak teaser peek, and I didn't!? Come on, http://v.lesimple.free.fr/vrac/Oblivion/images/0909_Appetite_C.jpg.... First person able to recognize who the hell this is, wins... actually, nothing, but my thankfullness :bigsmile:
(No worries, though: this is rather ugly, I know, but still very much a WIP... I sweared I wouldn't try again painting in colours, but somehow I have to try again every once in a while. And regret it, usually. We'll see....)


Anyway... a few Suggestions/Issues:.

SUGGESTION: AID FOR BRUMA. I had an additional Idea for something that could be done for Mir Corrup AID FOR BRUMA.

You must have finished Ore For Everyone.
If you talk to either Untyrrien (or one of the daedra in merendin (minus Kara or Tesh) they will suggest talking to Untyrren.), He will suggest that instead of sending GUARDS to Bruma (for which reasons Tesserayiel already explained), Mir Corrup could contribute another way: sending EQUIPMENT to Bruma. Namely, amber/madness arms and armor. This will mean having to go collect X more amber and ore. 1 day after doing this the soldiers assigned to Bruma (As well as the milita that you get for each city that didn't participate in the battle) will have amber and madness armors and weapons.
What does Untyrrien get out of this? Advertisemant. Giving away free samples is a common business tactic as we all know. Give someone a free weapon, everyone else will want one too. And being that the soldiers involved in the Battle For Bruma definitely does not hurt things either.

would it be possible to make it so Merendin doesn't reset itself constantly? what I mean is if you put something in Merendin it will be gone when you enter again? Prior to this latest version I liked to decorate the place. Put in some Lamp balls from Lamps of Oblivion, put in a few items from the LOST SPIRES, etc. now I can't do that anymore :(
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:11 pm

About that riddle, correct me if i am wrong.

in the line of sight of the queen of rose. i interpit this as something that can be seen from azuras shrine.

Two brothers standing back to back, one child of snakes, the other child of would-be giants forsaking secrecy.
im not enterily sure about this, but i think its about the fighters and mages guild in chaydinhall, so something about the guilds in chaydinhall.

Caged in a shell, remains of remnants of forgotten winters flowing through. Someguy said something about city walls and a river all in chaydinhall, sounds resnably enough to me. ?

Outside of the husk the second gift of sky is quenched. i have no idea what this means.

In its bowl the gost of forests kin awaits. no idea either.

i would like to finish this quest, so can somebody please give me some pointers?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

New question: is there a faster way to start the tesh's bond miniquests? instead of having to talk to her, wait 24 hours, and HOPE she has something new?
It's not really 'hoping', it's more.... keeping an eye on her and trying all your options when she's doing something special..... Though sometimes special can mean:
Shes sleeping, shes walking around outside at night, shes just standing or sitting somewhere she doesn't normally go to, etc
. What's your faction rank?
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:41 pm

For the quest white shadows, does the rule, where theres one vampire theres more apply?
In other words must i look in a vanilla vampire fort?
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meghan lock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 am

For the quest white shadows, does the rule, where theres one vampire theres more apply?
In other words must i look in a vanilla vampire fort?


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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:03 pm

Two more, very minor suggestions:

- Dialogue from Stranded Light members concerning the "http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Blood_of_the_Daedra" quest. IE them suggesting which prince to get an artifact from. Like Tess might recommend Merida (least likely to cause collateral damage, or would try to steer you away from serving azura) Kara might suggest... I dunno. Tesh would recommend Nocturnal, etc.
Speaking of Tesh,
When she berates you for having azuras star in your possession, you could add a dialogue option "[Event]Because Martin needs it to get to Mankar Cameron"

- More post Oblivion Main Quest dialogue from the stranded light. Currently the only one who even ACKNOWLEDGES your [helping in the] defeat of Dagon is Zerreshu. You'd think the rest should have some dialogue concerning this, ESPECIALLY from Tesh.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:11 am

For Star of high hope, the soul gem you need for the tower, which one is it you need?
i have both Vrjekkes and the archmages and neither works, come to think of it i dont really know which type of soul gem or soul i need.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:08 pm

You haven't completed a necessary side story. Talk to Kara, and if she has nothing new to say go out and get more fame or do more Integration quests.(They give internal fame bonuses and you may be missing a requirement.)
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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 am

I'm working on the Missing Tax Collector quest. I found the dead guy, killed his killer, and returned the money... and the count told me to go find out what was going on. I figure I need to talk to
again, since she gave me the quest... but I can't find her. Any clues?

And where is this spoiler file everyone keeps referring to? Is it in the newest version? The only one I've got shows all the quests and who gives them, but nothing else.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

The Hints are s
d. As for Karrizy, she sometimes visit BorderWatch, and maybe somewhere else too. You could always wait for her. Regardless, I don't think that's what the Count meant.
He was referring to the Golden Saint
, if you don't know what he meant just gain more fame and you'll see in time howto complete the quest
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His Bella
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:28 pm

Oh. I was wondering why all those table cells were empty... :embarrass: I'll talk to her, and if she doesn't have anything, I'll just have to get more fame. Thanks.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:43 pm

When you say it requires RBP do you mean the extra cosmetic part too or just the mod itself?
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