bg will be gone for a few days due to medical issues, but maybe when he's back he'll give you some hints.
I have around four minutes left, then I have to go. Sooo, in short:
- Lost Child: Remember to pick only stuff you can win! Example given telling him there's no other of his kind works if Dredhwen is dead (she dies during a part of the SI mainquest, or can have an accident before), but won't if she's alive. Telling him about dangers works if you know about Knights of Orders, but won't, if you don't know. Some dialog options have also skill checks, but they're just some of many. As written in the spoiler file: Try to avoid topics you can only lose. You just need to have more right than wrong at the end.
- Daedroth's Best friend: Speaking to the quest giver again should give you a map.
- Delivery Service: No time left, sorry. What I can say is chances are good that the guess about the brothers may be wrong if you haven't found it. As for the wintery stuff, just think about what's *the* archetypical winter weather, and what's left when it disappears. (Uhm, sorry for writing confusing, I'm not really in the best condition. And I fear it will only get worse from now.)
PS: Sorry for don't answering any PMs, no time left. Got to go now :cold:.