Obviously TNR merge incorporates TNR - but if I have that already, can I also use one of the other two of these plugins alongside it, or are they incompatible unless you use the merged file?
Beatification - I'm guessing that this adds the new RBP eyes and hair and whatnot to NPCs, but does that mean the other two plugins don't?
Bash - Obviously can only be used with Bash, but does that mean that I have to use it if I use Bash, and that the others don't require Bash?
Why can't there just be an NPCDiversity plugin that has the beautification changes, that can be used with Bash, and is either compatible with TNR via bashed patch or incorporates it?
Or is it like this:
Beautification - basic NPCDiversity. Just adds new stuff to NPCs. Is not compatible with TNR. Does not require Bash.
TNR Merge - beautification + TNR. Still doesn't require Bash.
Bash - TNR Merge, but requires Bash.
I'd just like my options explained a little more clearly. There isn't really anything in the readme about the specific plugins.
There are several styles of NPCDiversity avialable. Use only one.
I said don't activate them because they are imported into the bashed patch. If you activate them, they will reset all NPCs modified by mods to the vanilla stats again.