Teshekru romance:1. If you screw it up, she won't talk with you anymore. You know when this has happened.
2. The quest "Teshekru's Bond" (EditorID bgSQ6Tesh) is only active once she's named you "friend". Before that the relationship is handled by one of the generic quests (well, by several, in fact). You will need a lot of talking for her to warm up.
3. As a hint, try to imagine to what she might react. There are more than thirty opportunities.
4. Examples
Spoiler having the SLCs about her with you, do Nocturnal's quest, speak with her while being naked, and many, many more.
5. However you don't have infinite tries. There's a variable tracking how you respond to her, and if you don't get her to warm up, the talking opportunities run out.
Requiem II: There is Requiem I and Requiem II, simply because the target is alive at the beginning of the game, but is one of the characters that isn't "always essential" like M'aiq. Is the target alive, you get Requiem I. If the target is dead, you get Requiem II. Consider this a hint: The target is a NPC already in the Vanilla game

On another topic, on the cosmetic side: I'm pretty sure I saw Kanaane and the Dark Seducer in Bruma's outpost (Urenvre?) still painting the same landscape. I think I made a new draft last month to replace one of those? Or did I forget it, or did you use it for another place, Bg?
Huh? Please check again, and make sure that you've updated to one of the later versions :blink:. In my game at least Urenvre paints a different painting. *confused*