[Relz] Integration: The Stranded Light

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

Ye bout that .. "Imprisonment II" couldn't do it .Kara didin't have the topic/quest so :s Gues im in for clues.:P
Hmm, not sure Why'd that happen, but you have seemed to have sped through the quests pretty fast... Maybe see if she has the topic now? Could it very well be that you didn't do imprisonment 1 until recently?

If not try:
I don't know how You'd add the topic with the console, since it's a greeting and my CS knowledge is very limited. so..........

setstage bgxq5imprisonment 5
player.addspell XX03c919
Player.additem XX03c915

("XX" being Integration's load order position... If you don't want to look in bash you should be able to get it by simply clicking on one of the Integration beds, paintings, or whatever while in the console.)

If that doesn't work:
Go to the Tiber Septim Hotel, and talk to the Dark Seducer there. She should tell you some hints. Bit of a wild goose chase without Firu's help. Basically you need to find 3 or 4 jewelry boxes in order. First one's close to Bruma
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:46 am

I did Imprisonment I , but i "failed"? Cuz the countess didin't let her out so...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

not a failure, that's what happens....Imprisonment II is when she finally gets freed
uh? Please check again, and make sure that you've updated to one of the later versions . In my game at least Urenvre paints a different painting. *confused*
Works in mine too, and the painting is oddly mesmerizing. I think it may even be my favorite. :nuts:
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

I have the latest version of all mods.And checked it out but Kara still dosent have anything to say :|I got it , need couple of something to open the last thing. Ty.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:27 pm

Conditions for her greeting:

quest stage Xq1ordered 100 (completion stage for Xivilai in the north)
faction rank Bgdaedricintegration >= 1 ( be in the stranded light faction)
Go north quest!!!!!! H
ave you visited the Pell's gate inn
? I think this is the problem. Do this quest!
I won't even bother listing the other conditions... can't believe I forgot that requirement.

Edit: was I right, or did you resort to the console?
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Ian White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 am

A... Go North!!! Thats it .. <3

About the other thing. Integration conflicts whit other long quest mods like Lost Spire or so? Ty

Another Quick Edit: Would a change of race affect the mod/npcs ? I have the Lineage Elf 2 mod , and i was thinking if i change my race to a Xivalai , trough the console command, would that affect something? The mod is finished and the side quests i think. Ty
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:02 pm

Most of the conflicts I've seen were the other way around. For instance:
Other quest mods killing off or significantly altering some Vanilla NPCs that had a role in Integration.
Kvatch Aftermath's dirty world space edits

Seeing as how You've mostly completed Integration those shouldn't be a problem.( KA will screw up the water in Mir Corrup, though.)

Seeing as howIntegration doesn't make any significant dirty edits you should be fine provided the mods don't edit the same areas on thehttp://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=994917&hl=. Even then they might get along, they just can't occupy the exact same area. Like, in one of the older versions a shack was right on top of an important well from Ruined Tail's Tale.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:00 pm

And bout the race thing? Would that make something go wrong? :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 am

You mean race checks? I have yet to play another mod that has race checks. I assume any RBP race would be identified by their internal racealias by other mods, or if not you could use the racealias OBSE command in the second post.

Unless I misunderstood your meaning....
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 am

Is it too late to congratulate you? :celebrate:
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:45 pm

No no no ... you see , I'm curently playing a very hawt Lineage Elf , from Elfs of Lineage 2 Mod.What I asked was. whit "showracemenu" in console you bring up the race menu , so you can change your race , appearance .. well all . Doing that and picking up a Xivalai or Seducers , because both com whit RPB ( rait? =?) would affect the mod ( curently finished , ty ;) )or any other NPC.Understand that my question relies on changing the race WHIT THE CONSOLE COMMAND "SHOWRACEMENU". Not by creating a new character normal. I hope you understand better now. Thanks in advance.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm

Yeah, you should be fine. Just make sure you use the command right. (Make all the changes you want to make, keep the console open, save your game, and load it. do not press the done button.) My Hidden Elf used to be a mystic elf and I've used showracemenu to change my face/hair plenty of times. Also if you're changing to a vanilla or RBP race you should also use the console command:
startquest bgbupdate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:43 am

Ok. Thank you very much . <3 Phoenix :D
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:20 pm

Hey there,

This mod intrigues me... sneaky sneaky... I didn't even realize I had installed it until I started to see some... things... ingame... that... seemed unusual in a good way

I was just wondering if I could get a hint for a hint:
I'd like to check out the guild thing. I despise Kvatch and have followed the hints in FAQ 3. I have gone through every vanilla Ayleid ruin near the Imperial City, and my poor roleplay thief is struggling to understand this burst of motivation to manically explore Aylied ruins. I just need a hint of what sort of thing I should be looking for... and perhaps a clue as to the specific ruin...

I'm sorry if this gets asked a lot. I did search...

Thanks :)
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

Is it too late to congratulate you? :celebrate:
Never too late :), thank!

and perhaps a clue as to the specific ruin...

Fanacesacul, the ruin south of the Wawnet Inn / Weye. You only need to make sure that a certain someone in there is dead, and then the quests can begin

Poor thief... suddenly wanting to explore Ayleid ruins... :D
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:34 pm

Ok more direct question. :D Integration conflicts whit Lost Spires or Verona House: Bloodlines.I would like to try those 2 , but if either conflicts or something happends to my game as it is now whit Integration ... well it won't be good. =d P.D OR- Ruined-Tail's Tale whit this one.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

No conflicts reported yet with those; I've played both these mods last year, and I can't remember anything that would be prone to conflict. Short answer: very probably no conflict at all. (Only, possibly, the kind of secondary issues Phoenix mentionned in a post above, but I doubt it a lot)
Integration has been quite intensively tested and checked for such conflicts/ incompatibilities, by the way. Unknown issues aren't impossible of course, but quite unlikely - extremely unlikely with "big" and "old" mods :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 am

Ok thankyu.
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:28 pm

Huh? Please check again, and make sure that you've updated to one of the later versions :blink:. In my game at least Urenvre paints a different painting. *confused*

Explanation for both this "issue" and my recent lack of progress in Tesh's relationship, I guess: turned out I had reinstalled an old version of the mod. Like, two months old or so. A file I seemed to have kept up for... whatever reason :slap: . And didn't realize it untill now. (A few (unrelated to Integration!) mod issues, plus a full computer reinstall, plus a pathologic lack of the most basic common sense in the way I manage my personnal data and backups (yeah, backups - the 's' is the core of my problem, I suspect)... = a quite spectacular mess in my savefiles and Oblivion folder(s) )
Anyway, all fine and dandy. And Urenvre is actually painting a new draft - which I actually like, if I may say so. And I guess I'll soon realize that you did use the new icons I did for the 'shops advertisemants' papers in Mir Corrup :facepalm: I was wondering what happened to them...
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

Hello there.
I have problem finding Merendin. From what I read here I think the location should be marked on my map, but for some reason (maybe mod conflict, even though I load Stranded Light almost as last of my mods) it is not. I don't want to try reinstalling mod, because I made quite progress in some of its quests (Suthay decree, Debt collector...) so please post some hints where should I look for Merendin.
Thank you.
The woman who sold you it should have given you basic directions, and they should also be present on your quest log... perhaps look under "completed quests"?
It's along the eastern Cyrodiil border between, leyawiin and Bravil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 am

Thank you for quick answers, I am going to check it out right now!
(To "thread necromancy": I hope I still make it to the Archmage though! :) )

Yeah I've found it!
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:13 am

So is anyone having trouble downloading the mod? I just fixed my computer today so i was trying to update to the new version, but every time i try to download it instantly finishes and i cant open the .7z file. The files total size is only 2.08mb, i remember it being quite larger

edit: nevermind, i just tried it in internet explorer and its working it seems. I guess google Chrome decided it didn't like the site, anyone else ever have problems with chrome before??
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Charles Weber
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:22 pm

Nope, I've been using Chrome without any problem. Just tried to download it right now and it seemed to be working fine.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am

hmm, well i hope this is one of those "temporary" problems. Ill try downloading another mod on a different site on chrome and see if it works. Its strange because i just downloaded a few mods earlier today tho.


well i restarted chrome, i can download the alternate faces, but the integration download still dosen't work, on a good note, explorer finished downloading it!!
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 am

Uhm .. so I'm curently at stage 34 whit Tesh ... but for ...some time now , no new topics@My companion.I figured out that new topics appeared when i asked bout it in new places , ithink. but now its all grey/no gold.Is there something i did wrong? I only have 2 letters from her , and the last thing i did i played as messenger for her to Turu... and yes i did say that I know about that certain coresp... that blew up the entire thing? Help plis.

Or the last thing was the Book ? I dont remember , one of them . P.D
Need a hand or two, =o
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