Another news: Arthmoor made an
Integration: The Stranded Light
Years before Uriel Septim's death Talos appeared before the Nerevarine, foretold that the Empire is about to end. More so, that it is time for a change - but without knowing, which form the change may take. "Young folks should try some new ideas. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."
In the wake of Uriel Septim's death, Cyrodiil is in turmoil. A city annihilated, guilds in open and secret wars with rivals and old enemies. Everyone knows, or thinks they do. Rumors run wild. The Black Horse Courier is always after the latest 'news'. Yet there is more here still, a light rising, intertwined with shadows. A wind of change blows through Cyrodiil. New powers rising. Old ones returning. Some fading away into obscurity.
Old rules still apply, hiding what (or who) should not be visible to the public. Yet some rules are ignored, simply because they're bad for business. And other rules are gone, swept away -- Mehrunes Dagon is not the only Daedra interested in Mundus, though intentions and actions differ.
Integration: The Stranded Light includes more than 60 quests with a strong emphasis on thinking, character interaction, choices, consequences, and lore. It delivers a seamless integration of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles along with other lore races. A new, joinable guild plays an important role in many of the quests, which are unlike any in Vanilla Oblivion: A bit thinking, often multiple solutions, quite heavy on social skills. It also reaches beyond the typical mold of quest mods, seeking to enrich the existing game world as whole.
The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light don't all follow a single storyline. It's more like a collection of somewhat intertwined short stories than an epic novel. Here's a small sampling of the variety you can expect.
There are questions so obvious none ever asked.
* Decades ago, during the Imperial Simulacrum, different breeds of Elsweyr's people could be found in Cyrodiil. Now all save one disappeared, making the Suthay-raht a synonym for Khajiit. Why did this happen? And can it be reversed?
* Most elven races were assimilated into the Empire, but not all. What happened to the others? Centuries ago a war was fought between the Altmer and the fourth elven race known to exist til today. Only a freak storm caused by the Psijics pushed the invaders out of Tamrielic seas. Are they really gone?.
* A millennia ago, Sheogorath tried to stop another Daedric Prince by filling a hole with clowns. He failed. And as the other Daedric Prince approaches again, the domain of Sheogorath changes - an event that has always affected Mundus, too. Now that another Daedric Prince is rising again, what consequences may arise for Mundus?
* At the beginning of the second era, it's twelfth year, Tjurhane Fyrre died - last known Ayleid in Cyrodiil. Was he really the last one?
* Since time immemorial, Skooma seeps out of Elsweyr like sweet poison into the rest of the Empire. In the waning years of the third era, will the Renrijra Krin succeed in spreading it even further?
Requirements and Download
Due to its broad scope, Integration: The Stranded Light has more requirements than most standalone quest mods. It requires:
- Oblivion version 1.2.0416 (latest official patch).
- or later*
- 1.7 or later
- Official Expansion: Shivering Isles
* = normal version, not light version.
Currently there are no plans, except polishing and bug squashing.
Trailer II:, 6 (Spoiler Warning!) | | | | | | | | |
Known issues and incompatibilities:
- for some extremely strange reason I never was able to replicate for an absolute minority of players the game crash when "In Memoria" is started. Usually rebuilding your Bashed Patch (if present) or take off enchanted clothing /armor prevents this crash.
- if you're updating from an earlier version and have either met Kanaane or solved the "Suthay Decree" quest, use this console command once: StartQuest IntegrationUpdate
- Open Cities has a compatibility patch available at it's download location.
- there are no conflicts with Better Cities anymore.
- there are no conflicts with FCOM or Unique Landscapes.
- if you don't fulfil the above mentioned requirements, your game will crash.
- some dialog responses from the player seems like a bit too shortened. Unfortunately they are; player responses can only be about 38 characters long, so no way for the player to give elaborate answers. Game limitation.
Background and features
A chapter is finished: Integration: The Stranded Light is complete. "Complete? Wasn't there something about a 'sliced development'?" may some of you ask - well, the final conclusion, the last slice, is finished.
And it's a fulminant end! In total, Integration: The Stranded Light offers (to cite the second trailer [,]) more than 60 quests, four guilds, although of course not all quests are part of guilds. Additionally a whole lot of features, that will enhance Cyrodiil greatly.
An important aspect of Integration: The Stranded Light is discovery. A lot of mysteries and surprises are waiting for you to be found and solved. To not spoil the fun I'm just going to repeat what the second trailer shows: Over sixty quests. Four guilds, of which two are in direct conflict with each other. Choices and consequences. Very dialog heavy, including dialog trees, arguing and a lot more you won't see in Vanilla Oblivion. Use of the "Telvanni Tileset" and other resources for some unique places. The riddle of a lost city will play a role.
Changing the face of Cyrodiil sounds easy - just take a look at the smoldering ruins of Kvatch. How about changing the world for the better, for once? Every organisation begins small, with just a little headquarters somewhere. Though if you succeed in helping a guild to grow, attracting new members, an expansion may happen. Maybe an outpost here or there? What if their goal goes even further? There's enough unclaimed land on Cyrodiil's map for experiments!
Integration: The Stranded Light offers even more than guilds and quests. You'll get to know a lot of people, some better than others. And you may also get one of them interested in getting to know you better - a reciprocal relationship, developing according to your actions, and your reactions to the actions of others. And a (con-)quest for itself, because just winning the friendship of a Daedroth* is not an easy task, even more so delving into dark secrets some may be hiding. Do not expect an easy or early victory, if you choose to walk on this path.
(* = singular of Daedra)
The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light are not your usual hack&slay business: One goal ever was to add those kind of quests to Oblivion to Oblivion, that I felt missing. Those that require some thinking. Or have to be solved by other means than swords. Offering a multitude of different solutions.
What can you expect when playing Integration: The Stranded Light? The most important goal of this mod is to bring in new (although some would say "missing") kinds of quests into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Quests with multiple solutions, using skills and accomplishments in dialogs, riddles and other possibilities to think. Which I'm unwilling to spoil.
Although, if you really must know...
- a few other smaller guilds.
- remember Morrowind's "Guild Guide" travel system? Now you can institute one in Cyrodiil too!
- memorable challenges and rewards, thanks to using LAME's resources and scripts.
- believeable unique NPCs. Your actions can even change some of their lifes!
- a lot of dialog, often taking into account your deeds, skills or other characteristics.
- similar to the "Guild Guide" other features are there to enrich the world, e.g. the new guild's HQ can also be used as a new home.
- more than 60 quests.
- a lot of them unique, not following Bethesda's formulas.
- average playing time over 100 hours.
- and, of course, even more. A lot more. Enough spoilers for now!
- thanks to Bleral for all the new resources: Paintings, furniture, book arts, faction and quest icons, all are his work! Many thanks!
- thanks to phoenix1213 for PR managing!
- JonSatriani, Plangkye and kalikut for the Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Speckledguar, MEO, Razorwing for the updated Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Phitt for the fishtanks
- Mur_Zik for the sixy Walk animation.
- kalikut for the cauldrons.
- trollf for his junkyard items.
- Xiamara and Dkhoster for the Teddy Bears.
- thanks to phoenix1213, Old Book, kyoma, Rubinchen, Bleral, YX33A, and Lingwei for testing
- dev_akm, lilith and daemondarque for helping to formulate a better introduction text
- Steve Carrow for making tes4gecko run with my mods (creating silent dialog files and all that)
- Mortazo for his "treatise on daedra of the lesser variety"
- the visitors in guild halls were all donations. They came from: Theclonerman, greenwarden, garx, FallenWizard, WhoGuru, shadeMe, Celes, Ludicrous, PetrusOctavianus, orbitor, phoenix1213, Prime Monky, LFact, elizb, Helkalas-so-Tauna, Tekuromoto, NRN_R_Sumo1, Antique Miya.
As an additional gift there's also an available. Make sure to read the readme.
There's now another module: If you're unhappy with my faces, LazyMonk contributed an Use Wrye Bash's "Import NPC Face" feature for it. (Now if you're unhappy with both my faces and LazyMonks alternative faces, then I fear you'll have to edit the NPCs yourself :huh:.)
I like to thank everyone who refrained from doing bloody frustrating things. It was you for whom I created Integration: The Stranded Light. I hope you'll enjoy the mod. And especially I like to thank everyone who had contributed resources, most importantly Bleral!