[Relz] Integration: The Stranded Light

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

Latest major update: 08/24/2009 - new content and fixes, see http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1016403&view=findpost&p=14949427! Current version: 0.96
Another news: Arthmoor made an http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16360

Integration: The Stranded Light

Years before Uriel Septim's death Talos appeared before the Nerevarine, foretold that the Empire is about to end. More so, that it is time for a change - but without knowing, which form the change may take. "Young folks should try some new ideas. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."

In the wake of Uriel Septim's death, Cyrodiil is in turmoil. A city annihilated, guilds in open and secret wars with rivals and old enemies. Everyone knows, or thinks they do. Rumors run wild. The Black Horse Courier is always after the latest 'news'. Yet there is more here still, a light rising, intertwined with shadows. A wind of change blows through Cyrodiil. New powers rising. Old ones returning. Some fading away into obscurity.

Old rules still apply, hiding what (or who) should not be visible to the public. Yet some rules are ignored, simply because they're bad for business. And other rules are gone, swept away -- Mehrunes Dagon is not the only Daedra interested in Mundus, though intentions and actions differ.

Integration: The Stranded Light includes more than 60 quests with a strong emphasis on thinking, character interaction, choices, consequences, and lore. It delivers a seamless integration of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles along with other lore races. A new, joinable guild plays an important role in many of the quests, which are unlike any in Vanilla Oblivion: A bit thinking, often multiple solutions, quite heavy on social skills. It also reaches beyond the typical mold of quest mods, seeking to enrich the existing game world as whole.

The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light don't all follow a single storyline. It's more like a collection of somewhat intertwined short stories than an epic novel. Here's a small sampling of the variety you can expect.

There are questions so obvious none ever asked.
* Decades ago, during the Imperial Simulacrum, different breeds of Elsweyr's people could be found in Cyrodiil. Now all save one disappeared, making the Suthay-raht a synonym for Khajiit. Why did this happen? And can it be reversed?
* Most elven races were assimilated into the Empire, but not all. What happened to the others? Centuries ago a war was fought between the Altmer and the fourth elven race known to exist til today. Only a freak storm caused by the Psijics pushed the invaders out of Tamrielic seas. Are they really gone?.
* A millennia ago, Sheogorath tried to stop another Daedric Prince by filling a hole with clowns. He failed. And as the other Daedric Prince approaches again, the domain of Sheogorath changes - an event that has always affected Mundus, too. Now that another Daedric Prince is rising again, what consequences may arise for Mundus?
* At the beginning of the second era, it's twelfth year, Tjurhane Fyrre died - last known Ayleid in Cyrodiil. Was he really the last one?
* Since time immemorial, Skooma seeps out of Elsweyr like sweet poison into the rest of the Empire. In the waning years of the third era, will the Renrijra Krin succeed in spreading it even further?

Requirements and Download
Due to its broad scope, Integration: The Stranded Light has more requirements than most standalone quest mods. It requires:
- Oblivion version 1.2.0416 (latest official patch).
- http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=215 or later*
- http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=219 1.7 or later
- Official Expansion: Shivering Isles


* = normal version, not light version.

Currently there are no plans, except polishing and bug squashing.

Trailer II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP3XCgMg6DQ, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d04tbDRt7ws
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KRhTvUwUY0 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3i1J5ufxPA (Spoiler Warning!)
http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_build.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_dialog.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_place.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_daedra.gif
http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_ohmesraht.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_telvanni.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_poi.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_sanguinicarts.gif
http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_locart.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_guilds.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_mystery.gif | http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/plugin/sonstiges/rbp/integration_cityart.gif


Known issues and incompatibilities:
- for some extremely strange reason I never was able to replicate for an absolute minority of players the game crash when "In Memoria" is started. Usually rebuilding your Bashed Patch (if present) or take off enchanted clothing /armor prevents this crash.
- if you're updating from an earlier version and have either met Kanaane or solved the "Suthay Decree" quest, use this console command once: StartQuest IntegrationUpdate
- Open Cities has a compatibility patch available at it's download location.
- there are no conflicts with Better Cities anymore.
- there are no conflicts with FCOM or Unique Landscapes.
- if you don't fulfil the above mentioned requirements, your game will crash.
- some dialog responses from the player seems like a bit too shortened. Unfortunately they are; player responses can only be about 38 characters long, so no way for the player to give elaborate answers. Game limitation.

Background and features

A chapter is finished: Integration: The Stranded Light is complete. "Complete? Wasn't there something about a 'sliced development'?" may some of you ask - well, the final conclusion, the last slice, is finished.

And it's a fulminant end! In total, Integration: The Stranded Light offers (to cite the second trailer [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP3XCgMg6DQ, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d04tbDRt7ws]) more than 60 quests, four guilds, although of course not all quests are part of guilds. Additionally a whole lot of features, that will enhance Cyrodiil greatly.

An important aspect of Integration: The Stranded Light is discovery. A lot of mysteries and surprises are waiting for you to be found and solved. To not spoil the fun I'm just going to repeat what the second trailer shows: Over sixty quests. Four guilds, of which two are in direct conflict with each other. Choices and consequences. Very dialog heavy, including dialog trees, arguing and a lot more you won't see in Vanilla Oblivion. Use of the "Telvanni Tileset" and other resources for some unique places. The riddle of a lost city will play a role.

Changing the face of Cyrodiil sounds easy - just take a look at the smoldering ruins of Kvatch. How about changing the world for the better, for once? Every organisation begins small, with just a little headquarters somewhere. Though if you succeed in helping a guild to grow, attracting new members, an expansion may happen. Maybe an outpost here or there? What if their goal goes even further? There's enough unclaimed land on Cyrodiil's map for experiments!

Integration: The Stranded Light offers even more than guilds and quests. You'll get to know a lot of people, some better than others. And you may also get one of them interested in getting to know you better - a reciprocal relationship, developing according to your actions, and your reactions to the actions of others. And a (con-)quest for itself, because just winning the friendship of a Daedroth* is not an easy task, even more so delving into dark secrets some may be hiding. Do not expect an easy or early victory, if you choose to walk on this path.
(* = singular of Daedra)

The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light are not your usual hack&slay business: One goal ever was to add those kind of quests to Oblivion to Oblivion, that I felt missing. Those that require some thinking. Or have to be solved by other means than swords. Offering a multitude of different solutions.
What can you expect when playing Integration: The Stranded Light? The most important goal of this mod is to bring in new (although some would say "missing") kinds of quests into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Quests with multiple solutions, using skills and accomplishments in dialogs, riddles and other possibilities to think. Which I'm unwilling to spoil.

Although, if you really must know...
- a new joinable guild, which you can help growing. With visible impact on their headquarter.
- a few other smaller guilds.
- remember Morrowind's "Guild Guide" travel system? Now you can institute one in Cyrodiil too!
- memorable challenges and rewards, thanks to using LAME's resources and scripts.
- believeable unique NPCs. Your actions can even change some of their lifes!
- a lot of dialog, often taking into account your deeds, skills or other characteristics.
- similar to the "Guild Guide" other features are there to enrich the world, e.g. the new guild's HQ can also be used as a new home.
- more than 60 quests.
- a lot of them unique, not following Bethesda's formulas.
- average playing time over 100 hours.
- and, of course, even more. A lot more. Enough spoilers for now!

- thanks to Bleral for all the new resources: Paintings, furniture, book arts, faction and quest icons, all are his work! Many thanks!
- thanks to phoenix1213 for PR managing!
- JonSatriani, Plangkye and kalikut for the Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Speckledguar, MEO, Razorwing for the updated Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Phitt for the fishtanks
- Mur_Zik for the sixy Walk animation.
- kalikut for the cauldrons.
- trollf for his junkyard items.
- Xiamara and Dkhoster for the Teddy Bears.
- thanks to phoenix1213, Old Book, kyoma, Rubinchen, Bleral, YX33A, and Lingwei for testing
- dev_akm, lilith and daemondarque for helping to formulate a better introduction text
- Steve Carrow for making tes4gecko run with my mods (creating silent dialog files and all that)
- Mortazo for his "treatise on daedra of the lesser variety"
- the visitors in guild halls were all donations. They came from: Theclonerman, greenwarden, garx, FallenWizard, WhoGuru, shadeMe, Celes, Ludicrous, PetrusOctavianus, orbitor, phoenix1213, Prime Monky, LFact, elizb, Helkalas-so-Tauna, Tekuromoto, NRN_R_Sumo1, Antique Miya.
As an additional gift there's also an http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=365 available. Make sure to read the readme.

There's now another module: If you're unhappy with my faces, LazyMonk contributed an http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=368. Use Wrye Bash's "Import NPC Face" feature for it. (Now if you're unhappy with both my faces and LazyMonks alternative faces, then I fear you'll have to edit the NPCs yourself :huh:.)
I like to thank everyone who refrained from doing bloody frustrating things. It was you for whom I created Integration: The Stranded Light. I hope you'll enjoy the mod. And especially I like to thank everyone who had contributed resources, most importantly Bleral!
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

For anyone who missed it:
Update released! 08 / 24 / 2009

As everyone who ever read one of Tolkien's works know: At your birthday you should give out presents :cake: . So here's the promised major update. I've already told what's new, so...
- Finished loose ends without additional quest: Errallius, Persuasion quest, Detye, Match Maker quest, Tanaark, Keneriel, Kiyana, Mortals and Daedra quest, Stranded Light.
- overhauled Revendri's house.
- new quest, reward is one of trollf's junkyard items. One of the hardest to get quests in Integration, but the reward is worth it.
- two other new quests bringing various loose ends to a finish. One of them has a small surprise at the end, which I personally find just cool.
- various tweaks.
- a lot more dialog that isn't quest related.
- fixed a lot of typos and some glitches.
- visitors now visit Merendin (once certain persons are there) and all outposts.
- a couple of new paintings, this time mostly male characters, distributed throughout the world. Also made them buyable.
- new bookarts (and therefore also a bit of new stuff to read).
- some new dialog for Teshekru, and even a kind of easter egg.
- some people had problem that Arriasha disappeared (or they were unable to find her). She's now set back to Bliss whenever you get one of the clues during Recovery. Additionally when ShowCM is used, and you have all clues, it points towards her.
- five more people can tell you something about the Mystery of Mir Corrup.
- Compass marker for the Lost Relic chest will appear when "bgShowCM" is used and Errallius agreed to bring you to it.
- even more dialog.

Probably the most visible impact have the visitors - more than fifty new NPCs, each one with a bit of unique dialog and background story.

All files are updated (Unique Clothes AddOn and Alternative Faces). If you continue an existing save and have already met Kanaane or solved Suthay Decree, please use startquest IntegrationUpdate.

So party time :celebrate: .

Also for anyone using a non-RBP custom race:

OBSE (V0016 and higher) includes a command capable of allowing you to manually set your race to something else in the eye's of NPCs. This means you can play as sephiroth and be considered any race you want as opposed to a: "What the hell are you!?"

Details can be found http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html:
SetRaceAlias - creates an alias for a race. If a race has an alias, then calling GetIsRace aliasRace will return true for any actor of that race. For example,
SetRaceAlias Nord Argonian will cause GetIsRace to recognize Nords as Argonians. However, Argonians will not be recognized as Nords.
(nothing) SetRaceAlias actualRace:ref aliasRace:ref

Race ref IDs:
Altmer (High Elf) 00019204
Argonian 00023FE9
Bosmer (Wood Elf) 000223C8
Breton 000224FC
Dark Elf 000191C1
Imperial 00000907
Khajiit 000223C7
Nord 000224FD
Orc 000191C0
Redguard 00000D43

RBP races: (XX=Bg balancing core's load order digits, you can see this by viewing you mod list with Wrye bash)
Aureal: XX007948
Hidden Elf: XX002b60
Mazken: XX007947
Ohmes: XX00f9cf
Ohmes-raht: XX01791b
Sea Elf: XX0107c0
Daedra Seducer: XX010ea2
Xivilai: XX000ed5

How to find the ref ID of a custom race:
1: Load the race mod as the active plugin in the CS, select the character tab and then the race tab. Hover over the custom race you use until the race's ID comes up. Then use Wrye bash to determine what the load order didgits for the race mod are.
The same could probably be achieved with Refscope or FormID Finder but I have yet to confirm it.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/ScreenShot328.jpg that you can get race ref IDs with refscope.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/HirkElf.jpg. The high elf in front of me was identified as both a High elf and a Dark elf.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:33 am

Here are a couple of pictures to show a few (6 / 55) of the donated visitors :):

http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors1.jpg | http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors2.jpg | http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors3.jpg
http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors4.jpg | http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors5.jpg | http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/pics/tes/zintegrationvisitors6.jpg

Also for anyone using a non-RBP custom race:

OBSE (V0016 and higher) includes a command capable of allowing you to manually set your race to something else in the eye's of NPCs. This means you can play as sephiroth and be considered any race you want as opposed to a: "What the hell are you!?"
Good catch and explanation, thanks :).
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 am

HA! I?ve just finished the suthay decree quest!!! Only want to say that! A fantastic quest, the harder was to loot 25000 drakes for lady Carvain!!
Thank you for this quest mod!!! :celebration:
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Chris Jones
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:13 pm

bg2408, thank you so much for the update and happy birthday! You are a real asset to this community and I want to tell you how much I appreciate all your work. Thanks!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:05 pm

OhmesTT = Ohmes, Ohmes = Ohmes-raht (confusing, I know. Judging from the formIds, it seems to be correct in your list).
I did think that OhmesTT= Ohmes-raht, and Ohmes= Ohmes. So I just reversed the ID's in the earlier post. Is that right, or were they right before?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 am

Ondru & Brumbek: Many thanks!
I did think that OhmesTT= Ohmes-raht, and Ohmes= Ohmes. So I just reversed the ID's in the earlier post. Is that right, or were they right before?

Ohmes = Ohmes-raht, OhmesTT = Ohmes. Confusing, I know. It's just that the Ohmes-raht were included long before the Ohmes, and so the Ohmes-raht got the ID of "Ohmes".
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 am

hey could someone tell me where the box in BLISS is?
its the IN MEMORIA.
i preffer hints but straight answers will do too ^^
thank you and this mod is awesome!
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 am

Is it possible to release a version without the voice files? I got a limited internet connection right now and the voice files are eating a lot of MB. The release would be a lot smaller without them.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

hey could someone tell me where the box in BLISS is?
its the IN MEMORIA.
i preffer hints but straight answers will do too ^^
thank you and this mod is awesome!
Turumerin described someone who escaped her... asking this person may give some in game hints.

Alternative solution:
Speaking with some members of the Stranded Light can also help.

Location hint:
At a certain bedroll look up.

Is it possible to release a version without the voice files? I got a limited internet connection right now and the voice files are eating a lot of MB. The release would be a lot smaller without them.
Removing the voice files unfortunately won't help. 7z is incredibly powerful at compressing silent mp3 files. Take ten GB of silent mp3, and you end up with less than one MB once compresses. Let's just say Integration has a lot less than ten GB silent mp3 files ;).

Removing the mp3 files would remove only a couple of KB. What is big (and not nearly compressed as well, though still a lot) is the rest, like the new architecture meshes and textures.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 am

Don't blame me, though :shrug:
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:53 am

Removing the voice files unfortunately won't help. 7z is incredibly powerful at compressing silent mp3 files. Take ten GB of silent mp3, and you end up with less than one MB once compresses. Let's just say Integration has a lot less than ten GB silent mp3 files ;).

Removing the mp3 files would remove only a couple of KB. What is big (and not nearly compressed as well, though still a lot) is the rest, like the new architecture meshes and textures.

Ok, then I stuck at the old version. Thanks for the answer though. (Wanted to see my donated character :( )
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 am

I haz a small problem :D. I am doing the Decree quest and in Bravil i can't find the Dark Seducer.I have asked everyone who had the "New Face in Town " Checked the Lonley Inn and all houses as someone told me that.Than from some beggars and another ppls found out that : Dancing around the castle , viziting etc. But she is not there.I've spent 3 days in Bravil... can't find her. A hint pretty plz? ty :D
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:27 pm

I haz a small problem :D. I am doing the Decree quest and in Bravil i can't find the Dark Seducer.I have asked everyone who had the "New Face in Town " Checked the Lonley Inn and all houses as someone told me that.Than from some beggars and another ppls found out that : Dancing around the castle , viziting etc. But she is not there.I've spent 3 days in Bravil... can't find her. A hint pretty plz? ty :D
Ok, then I stuck at the old version. Thanks for the answer though. (Wanted to see my donated character :( )
Think I've seen him in the Bruma outpost, wears a gray robe, says some stuff about the Mazken there looking like a dunmer and something else.

More inane Phoenix feature creep requests which no normal player will likely ever notice:
Depending on what you're wearing at the time of a successful "tail lift" proposition, Tesh might have something extra to say. along the lines of some kinky roleplay. (or if you proposition her naked she'll comment on your enthusiasm...) I could certainly see some funny lines coming from this. I'm not sure how good Oblivion dialogue checks for certain clothes.... So if it's not good you could always add a script to Golden Saint robes, Dark Seducer robes, Xivilai kilts, etc. and have the dialogue check for that script? seeing as how they're only used by RBP/Integration, and won't cause any conflicts
. Just something silly I thought up.
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:31 am

Quick question, why exactly do we need the RBP? I'd really like to use the mod but I don't like allot of the changes to magic that the RBP does, is there any way to just get the parts I need from the RBP and not have all the other changes?
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

Break out a copy of TES4Edit and revert anything you don't like, it's easy enough :)
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 am

Quick question, why exactly do we need the RBP? I'd really like to use the mod but I don't like allot of the changes to magic that the RBP does, is there any way to just get the parts I need from the RBP and not have all the other changes?

almost all the quests are given by or involve people from the new races so u kinda need it . but i would highly recommend u get rbp just for this as integration is one of the best quest mod there is and the quest are very different from what u are used to normally . rbp is not that bad either
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 am

Thanks abt the "X Marks the Spot" But she wasn't There ... well she was there but some mods were humping eachother and she was invisible. :P Now its okay. Now another thing. xD I started the Guild Guide from Kan... and first tells meh to speak to one of the mages guild council , Rominus. Well , what ever i say to him he says no... im thinking in joining the mages guild , become ArchMage ... would that like .. solve that situation? xD Btw.. Cheer on the mod... best one out here and tx for the help.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

Guild Guide: You need
successful reasons (
One of them IS a required Mage's guild rank.
) if you get all the reasons successful you don't even have to pay the small amount of money.

Also quoting the spoiler file:
As with Lost Child, do not pick up topics you're likely to loose.

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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

bg2408, thank you so much for the update and happy birthday! You are a real asset to this community and I want to tell you how much I appreciate all your work. Thanks!
Belated, but with I concur :tops:
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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

Don't blame me, though :shrug:
No one would :).

More inane Phoenix feature creep requests which no normal player will likely ever notice: [snip]

This is, in theory, easily doable. Just (depending on how many clothes I'd add) work. Hrm. Any specific ideas?

Break out a copy of TES4Edit and revert anything you don't like, it's easy enough :)


Belated, but with I concur :tops:

Many, many thanks :).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

I finally got round to installing this, but I have a question regarding the RBP installation and the OptionalNPCDiversity plugins:

The folder says 'only one', but I'd like to know what the differences are between the files. And does the only one rule also encompass the Kvatch Rebuilt file? Because I have KR, and so should I just use that, or should I use that and one of the others. But I can't pick between those three unless I know what I'm picking. Could you please enlighten me?
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A Dardzz
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:54 pm

I finally got round to installing this, but I have a question regarding the RBP installation and the OptionalNPCDiversity plugins:

The folder says 'only one', but I'd like to know what the differences are between the files. And does the only one rule also encompass the Kvatch Rebuilt file? Because I have KR, and so should I just use that, or should I use that and one of the others. But I can't pick between those three unless I know what I'm picking. Could you please enlighten me?

If you use OBMM, you could install it using my http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25266, which help you solve those questions. :)
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:47 pm

I finally got round to installing this, but I have a question regarding the RBP installation and the OptionalNPCDiversity plugins:

The folder says 'only one', but I'd like to know what the differences are between the files. And does the only one rule also encompass the Kvatch Rebuilt file? Because I have KR, and so should I just use that, or should I use that and one of the others. But I can't pick between those three unless I know what I'm picking. Could you please enlighten me?

Use only one: TNR merge, Beautification. Bash (Aka vanilla). I recommend TNR.
Use only when you are using the specific mods (they can be used with the diversity files above): LAME, KR.

But remember, don't activate the Diversity plugins. They should stay deactivated.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:01 am

OK, but what's the difference between the first three?

Obviously TNR merge incorporates TNR - but if I have that already, can I also use one of the other two of these plugins alongside it, or are they incompatible unless you use the merged file?

Beatification - I'm guessing that this adds the new RBP eyes and hair and whatnot to NPCs, but does that mean the other two plugins don't?

Bash - Obviously can only be used with Bash, but does that mean that I have to use it if I use Bash, and that the others don't require Bash?

Why can't there just be an NPCDiversity plugin that has the beautification changes, that can be used with Bash, and is either compatible with TNR via bashed patch or incorporates it?

Or is it like this:

Beautification - basic NPCDiversity. Just adds new stuff to NPCs. Is not compatible with TNR. Does not require Bash.
TNR Merge - beautification + TNR. Still doesn't require Bash.
Bash - TNR Merge, but requires Bash.

I'd just like my options explained a little more clearly. There isn't really anything in the readme about the specific plugins.
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